ImageUndistortionDemo - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki

ImageUndistortionDemo(calibfilename [, imagefilename])

A very sketchy demo on how to do gpu accelerated geometric
undistortion of images.

'calibfilename' Name of a calibration file, as also used by
PsychImaging's 'GeometryCorrection' tasks, and generated by one
of the available calibration procedures, e.g., DisplayUndistortionBVL,
DisplayUndistortionCSV, DisplayUndistortionBezier, ...

'imagefilename' Optional name of image file to process. If left out,
our standardy bunny image will be used. If set to 'checkerboard', a
checkerboard pattern will be used.

Press any key to exit the demo after the undistorted image was

This demo is more a template for you to get started writing suitable
code for your purpose than a ready made plug & play solution.

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