GetTouchDeviceInfo - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
info = GetTouchDeviceInfo(deviceIndex)
Return 'info' a struct with info about the specified touch input device
'deviceIndex'. 'info' has the following fields:
'product', 'serialNumber' and 'locationID' Self explanatory.
'maxTouchpoints' The maximum number of simultaneously supported touch
points on the device. 10 is a quite common number for typical touchscreens.
'touchDeviceType': 0 = Touchpad, 1 = Touchscreen.
'valuatorInfos': A struct array. Each slot contains info about the meaning,
parameter range and resolution of the corresponding value in the Valuators
vector returned as part of touch events. i'th slot == i'th vector entry.
This is mostly for use with GetTouchValuators() to map raw valuator values
into something meaningful.
WINDOWS: ________________________________________________________________________
This function currently returns nothing, as touch devices aren't yet
OS X: ___________________________________________________________________________
This function currently returns nothing, as OSX does not support touch
screens in a meaningful way as far as we know. And Psychtoolbox for OSX
currently does not implement any special support for touchpads or such.
see also: GetTouchDeviceIndices, GetTouchValuators, TouchEventGet