GetEchoNumber - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
number = GetEchoNumber(window, msg, x, y [, textColor][, bgColor][, deviceIndex][, untilTime=inf][, KbCheck args...])
Get a number typed at the keyboard. Entry is terminated by <return> or
<enter>. Typed characters are displayed on the screen. Useful for i/o in
a Screen window. Equivalent to "number = str2num(GetEchoString".
Returns the empty matrix if no valid number is entered within the timeout
period defined by the optional 'untilTime' deadline. Returns a column vector
with multiple numbers if more than one number is entered, e.g., typing
multiple numbers separated by a space or a comma.
Typed characters are displayed in the window. The delete or backspace key
is handled correctly, ie., it erases the last typed number.
'window' = Window to draw to. 'msg' = A message string displayed to
prompt for input. 'x', 'y' = Start position of message prompt.
'textColor' = Color to use for drawing the text. 'bgColor' = Background
color for text. By default, the background is transparent. If a non-empty
'bgColor' is specified it will be used. The current alpha blending
setting will affect the appearance of the text if 'bgColor' is specified!
Please note that if 'bgColor' is not specified, this means mistyped numbers
can't be visually deleted/undone by use of the backspace key.
This function uses GetKbChar() and thereby KbCheck() to get keyboard input.
The optional 'deviceIndex' argument optionally allows to select the
deviceIndex of the keyboard to use, and 'untilTime' allows to specify a
response deadline. If the user doesn't press ENTER until 'untilTime', the
function will time out and return with a empty 'number' as result. Further
optional arguments will be passed on to the function GetKbChar().
See also: GetNumber, GetString, GetEchoString, GetKbChar