FlipTimingWithRTBoxPhotoDiodeTest - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
FlipTimingWithRTBoxPhotoDiodeTest([configFile][, targetFolder])
Test visual stimulus onset timing accuracy and visual stimulus onset
timestamping precision and robustness under varying loads, conditions and
modes of operation. This requires one of the supported external
measurement devices to provide the "ground truth" for true stimulus onset
times. Currently supported: UCST RTBox with photo-diode, VPixx Inc. DataPixx/
ViewPixx/ProPixx, UBW32/Bitwhacker + UCST VideoSwitcher. The script can also
be used without external equipment to just test stimulus onset accuracy with
only indirect test of timestamping.
This documentation is incomplete for now, good luck!
'configFile' Filename of benchmark configuration file. If none is specified,
the file fliptimingdefaultconfig.mat from the Psychtoolbox/PsychTests/TestConfigurations/
folder is used for some reasonable default testing setup.
'targetFolder' Target folder for result files. If none is specified, a reasonable
location is selected if that location exists and is writable, if that does not work,
a fallback location is selected, if that does not work, the users home directory is
selected. If a folder is specified, that folder is used if it is writable, otherwise
the users home directory is tried as target.
conf.Stereo = Stereomode to use.
conf.Priority = Realtime priority to use.
conf.DWMEnabled = 1,0,-1 = On, Off, Auto
conf.SetForegroundWindow = 1,0,-1 = On, Off, Auto
conf.VBLTimestampingMode = Mode of high-precision timestamping.
conf.CheckAsyncFlip = 0,1,2 = Off-Use sync flip, 1 = Use async flip, 2 = Use async flip with polling, 3 = Use async flip with Waituntilasyncflipcertain.
conf.waitFramesSched(i) = Number of ifi's to wait before onset in trial i.
conf.loadjitter(i) = Max. random cpu load jitter to apply in frame i.
conf.gpuLoad(i) = Number of rects to draw in frame i (GPU load)