FitWeibTAFC - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
[alpha,beta,thresh92] = FitWeibTAFC(inputs,nCorrect,nError,...
Maximum likelihood fit of a Weibull function to TAFC psychometric data.
Requires the optimization toolbox. Doesn't work with Octave yet.
inputs: Contains the input levels
nCorrect: Contains the number of yes responses at
the corresponding input level
nError: Contains the number of no responses at
the corresponding input level
alpha0: Initial guess for alpha (optional)
beta0: Initial guess for beta (optional)
alpha Weibull alpha parameter
beta Weibull beta parameter
thresh92 92% percent correct threshold
See also: FitWeibAlphTAFC, FitWeibYN, FitCumNormYN, FitLogitYN
8/25/94 dhb, ccc Cleaned comments, return 92% correct threshold
2/5/97 dhb Check if fminu is not available.
Add slope test.
4/26/97 dhb Fix bug in threshold assignment
10/13/00 dhb Improve initial guess for alpha. Thanks to Duje Tadin
for identifying the need for this.
4/18/02 dhb Suppress warnings in calls to optimization toolbox.
3/5/05 dhb Update for optimization toolbox version 2.