FORP - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki


Functions for query of the button state of fORP
Fiber optic response pad devices, manufactured
by Current Designs.


FORPCheck -- Check FORP button state, similar to KbCheck
for keyboards.

FORPWait -- Wait for FORP button press with timeout.
Similar to KbWait for keyboards.

FORPQueueClear -- Clear queued FORP button presses.

This code was contributed to Psychtoolbox under GPL license by:

      Florian Stendel  
      Visual Processing Lab  
      Universitaets - Augenklinik Magdeburg  
      Leipziger Strasse 44  
      39120 Magdeburg  
      Tel:    0049 (0)391 67 21723  
      Email:  [email protected]  
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