Ellipse - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Ellipse(a) creates a Circle with
diameter == ceil(2*a)
Ellipse(a,b) creates an Ellipse with
horizontal axis == ceil(2*a) and vertical axis == ceil(2*b)
Ellipse(a,b,power) generates a superEllipse according to the
geometric formula (x./a).^power + (y./b).^power < 1
Ellipse(a,b,horpow,verpow) generates a generalized superEllipse according
to the geometric formula (x./a).^horpow + (y./b).^verpow < 1
For more info on superEllipses, see
Ellipse returns a (tighly-fitting) boolean matrix which is true for all
points on the surface of the Ellipse and false elsewhere
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