EffectiveTrolandsFromLum - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
[trolands] = EffectiveTrolandsFromLum(lum,[method])
Compute effective trolands for large fields from photopic
luminance. Based on LeGrand's work, takes Stiles-Crawford
effect into account.
Luminance is in cd/m2.
Method (string):
PokornySmith1: (default)
Formula is Eq. 2 from: Pokorny and Smith, "How much light
reaches the retina", Colour Vision Deficiences XIII (C.
Cavonius, ed.), pp. 491-511. The formula in the paper
has some typos, corrections provided to me by Pokorny.
Formula is Eq. 3 from: Pokorny and Smith, "How much light
reaches the retina", Colour Vision Deficiences XIII (C.
Cavonius, ed.), pp. 491-511. Conversion to and from log
done here so input/output is same as above.
The agreement between the two methods is not spectacular. See PupilDiameterTest.
5/8/99 dhb Wrote it.
7/11/03 dhb More general method naming.
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