DelayedSoundFeedbackDemo - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki

DelayedSoundFeedbackDemo([reqlatency=150 ms][, duplex=0][, freq = 48000][, minLatency= 10 ms])



Demonstrates usage of the new Psychtoolbox sound driver PsychPortAudio()
for audio feedback with a controlled delay.

Sound is captured from the default recording device and then - with a
selectable delay - played back via the default output device.

Parameters and their meaning:

'reqlatency' Wanted feedback latency between sound input and output in
milliseconds. A value of zero will ask for the lowest possible latency on
the given setup. Defaults to 150 msecs. Please notice that the minimum
achievable latency will be constrained by the capabilities of your
operating system, sound card driver, computer hardware and sound
hardware. Only very high quality systems will be able to go below 5 msecs
latency, good systems will be able to go below 20 msecs, but less capable
setups may only allow for a latency much larger than 20 msecs. In order
to achieve low latency reliably without timing glitches or audible
artifacts, you may need to tune both the parameters for this demo and
your system setup carefully. The optimal parameter set varies from setup
to setup.

'duplex' = Select between full-duplex and half-duplex mode:

Depending on your sound hardware you'll have to either leave 'duplex' at
its default of zero (2 times half-duplex mode, aka simplex mode) or set
it to 1 (full-duplex mode). On a given system, only one of these will work
reliably (or at all): ASIO audio hardware -- typically on MS-Windows --
will usually need full-duplex mode and won't work at all in simplex mode.
On Macintosh OS/X it depends on the sound hardware. IntelMacs are happy
with half-duplex mode, some PowerMacs may need full-duplex mode. However,
except for 'reqlatency' == 0 minimal latency mode, simplex mode provides
much higher accuracy and reliability on OS/X at least with the built-in
soundchips on Intel based Macintosh computers. On Linux, performance
varies depending on the card at use.

'freq' = Sampling frequency (Hz). Defaults to 48000 Hz as this rate is
most commonly supported on most sound hardware. The maximum achievable
value depends on your specific soundcard. IntelMac's built in soundchips
allow for a maximum of 96000 Hz, high-end soundcards may allow for 192000
Hz under some circumstances. Increasing the frequency reduces minimum
latency but increases system load and the probability of glitches.

'minLatency' is a tuning parameter for the driver and a hard-constraint
on the mininum achievable latency for feedback. It is ignored on OS/X,
but can be tused for tuning latency vs. reliability on Linux and on
MS-Windows. High-end cards may allow for much lower than the default 10
msecs, low-end cards may malfunction at lower settings. Non-ASIO
soundcards on MS-Windows will likely fail already at much higher settings
and be therefore completely unsuitabe for low latency feedback.

Specific tips for different setups:

On OS/X with builtin soundchip on IntelMacs, choose duplex = 0 for
feedback with controlled low-latency, and a freq'ency of 96000 Hz. For
lowest latency mode, you may try reqlatency = 0 and duplex = 1.

On MS-Windows you *must* use a soundcard with ASIO support for any
reasonable results! Here you should always set duplex = 1 for full-duplex
operation, anything else will fail. Use reqlatency = 0 for feedback with
minimal latency, positive values for feedback with controlled latency.
Play around with the 'minLatency' parameter, set it as low as possible -
to the lowest value that doesn't cause any error messages by our driver
or audible artifacts like crackling noises or static. Try to set
'freq'uency as high as possible. Check the manual of your soundcard for
the highest value that can be used for capture + playback. E.g., the
Soundblaster Audigy ZS 2 seems to be limited to max. 48000 Hz in this

On Linux, no general statements can be made, only that some soundcards
allow for extremely low latencies of < 2 msecs if properly tuned. Search
the Internet for tips.

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