Datapixx SetVideoStereoVesaWaveform - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Psychtoolbox › Datapixx.{mex*,dll} subfunction
Set the waveform which will be sent to the DATAPixx VESA 3D connector.
"waveform" should take on one of the following values:
0: VESA port drives straight L/R squarewave for 3rd party emitter.
1: VESA port drives 3DPixx IR emitter for CrystalEyes 3D goggles.
2: VESA port drives 3DPixx IR emitter for NVIDIA 3D goggles.
See DatapixxImagingStereoDemo.m for example.
<<=====See also:===== EnableVideoStereoBlueline <<