Datapixx SetMicrophoneSchedule - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Psychtoolbox › Datapixx.{mex*,dll} subfunction
Configure a schedule for audio input acquisition.
-"scheduleOnset" is the desired delay (in double precision seconds) between
schedule initiation, and the first audio sample acquisition.
-"scheduleRate" is the rate at which successive audio samples are acquired. The
value is given in samples/second, and must be in the range 8000-96000.
Note that the audio input and audio output systems share timing resources, and
must be configured to the same rate if running simultaneously. Specifically,
SetMicrophoneSchedule has a side effect of overwriting the audio output rate, to
have the same value as that which is passed here.
-"maxScheduleFrames" has two modes, depending on whether the acquisition dataset
has a fixed known length. If the dataset length is known (eg: 100000 samples),
then just pass 100000 to maxScheduleFrames. In this mode, once the audio
acquisition schedule is started with StartMicrophoneSchedule, the schedule will
terminate automatically when maxScheduleFrames has been acquired. If the dataset
length is not known in advance, then pass 0 to maxScheduleFrames. In this mode,
the acquisition will continue until the schedule is manually stopped using
-"lrMode" specifies how microphone Left/Right channels are stored to the
acquisition schedule buffer. The following values are used:
0: MONO, Average of Left/Right data is written to buffer
1: LEFT, Only left data is written to buffer
2: RIGHT, Only right data is written to buffer
3: STEREO, Left and Right data are both written to buffer
If STEREO is selected, then 2 rows of data will be returned in
-"bufferBaseAddress" specifies the start of the RAM buffer which should hold the
acquired data inside the Datapixx. Use ReadMicrophoneBuffer to upload the
acquired data from this address after calling StartMicrophoneSchedule.
-"numBufferFrames" specifies the desired size of the acquisition buffer in the
Datapixx RAM. For many applications, the Datapixx has enough RAM to acquire a
complete dataset without streaming. In these cases, numBufferFrames could be
left at its default value of maxScheduleFrames. The Datapixx typically has 128
MB of internal RAM which is shared between all I/O subsystems (DAC/ADC/AUDIO,
etc). Datapixx('GetRamSize') can be used to query the quantity of RAM in your
system. If maxScheduleFrames is larger than numBufferFrames (or 0), then each
time the acquisition frame counter reaches a multiple of numBufferFrames, the
acquisition buffer address automatically wraps back to bufferBaseAddress. This
circular buffer effect can be used for acquiring arbitrarily long audio
datasets. Simply monitor newBufferFrames returned by GetMicrophoneStatus, and
use ReadMicrophoneBuffer in streaming mode to upload newly acquired data from
the Datapixx RAM to the host.
Note that every call to StartMicrophoneSchedule must be preceeded by a call to
SetMicrophoneSchedule (ie: multiple calls to StartMicrophoneSchedule each
require their own call to SetMicrophoneSchedule)).
See DatapixxMicrophone*Demo and DatapixxAudioFeedbackDemo files for examples.
<<=====See also:===== InitAudio, SetMicrophoneSource, GetMicrophoneGroupDelay, StartMicrophoneSchedule, StopMicrophoneSchedule, GetMicrophoneStatus, ReadMicrophoneBuffer <<