Datapixx GetVideoStatus - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Psychtoolbox › Datapixx.{mex*,dll} subfunction
Returns a struct containing the following video status information:
-"horizontalResolution" is the number of visible pixels in one horizontal scan
-"verticalResolution" is the number of visible lines in one vertical frame
-"horizontalTotal" is the number of video dot times in one horizontal scan line,
including horizontal blanking interval
-"verticalTotal" is the number of video lines in one vertical frame, including
vertical blanking interval
-"verticalFrequency" is the vertical frame rate in Hz
-"horizontalFrequency" is the horizontal line rate in Hz
-"dotFrequency" is the pixel dot rate in Hz
-"mode" is the video processing mode set by SetVideoMode
-"receivingVideo" is 1 if the Datapixx is currently receiving video data over
the DVI link. If the video input cable becomes unplugged, or the graphics board
enters power-saving mode, then receivingVideo will be 0.
-"receivingDualLinkVideo" is 1 if currently receiving dual-link DVI video, or 0
for single-link video.
-"stereoEye" is 1 if the Datapixx is showing left-eye data, or 0 if showing
right-eye data.
-"verticalStereo" is 1 if the Datapixx is doubling the refresh rate, showing the
top and bottom halves of the image on successive video frames, and driving the
mini-DIN-3 VESA stereo connector for stereo goggles.
-"stereoBlueline" is 1 if the Datapixx is driving the mini-DIN-3 VESA stereo
connector, based on blueline codes on the bottom of each video frame.
-"stereoVesaWaveform" can take on one of the following values:
0: VESA port drives straight L/R squarewave for 3rd party emitter.
1: VESA port drives 3DPixx IR emitter for CrystalEyes 3D goggles.
2: VESA port drives 3DPixx IR emitter for NVIDIA 3D goggles.
-"horizontalSplit" is 1 if the Datapixx is showing the left half of the image on
VGA OUT 1, and the right half of the image on VGA OUT 2. The Datapixx will do
this automatically if the horizontal resolution is at least twice the vertical
resolution. If horizontalSplit is 0, then the Datapixx is in mirror mode,
showing the same image on the two VGA outputs. See DatapixxDualDisplayInfo.m for
-"horizontalOverlay" is 1 if the Datapixx is showing an overlay composite of the
left/right halves of the video image.
-"horizontalOverlayBoundsLeft/Right/Top/Bottom" show the extents of the overlay.
-"pixelSyncTimeout" is 1 if the last call to RegWrPixelSync or RegWrRdPixelSync
timed out.
-"overClocked" is 1 if the Datapixx is receiving video at too high a clock
-"pixelSyncRasterLine" is the raster line on which the pixel sync is expected.
-"pixelSyncSingleLine" is 1 if pixel sync is only recognized on a single line.
-"pixelSyncBlankLine" is 1 if the pixel sync raster line is displayed black.
-"scanningBacklight" is 1 if VIEWPixx scanning backlight is enabled.
-"lcd3D60Hz" is 1 if VIEWPixx/3D pixel polarity inversion is enabled.
-"propixxCeilingMount" is 1 if PROPixx is flipping image horizontally and
-"propixxRearProjection" is 1 if PROPixx is flipping image horizontally.
-"propixx3DCrosstalk" is PROPixx 3D left <-> right eye crosstalk elimination
-"propixx3DCrosstalkLR" is PROPixx left -> right eye 3D crosstalk elimination
-"propixx3DCrosstalkRL" is PROPixx left <- right eye 3D crosstalk elimination
See DatapixxStatusDemo example.
<<=====See also:===== SetVideoMode, SetVideoHorizontalSplit, SetVideoVerticalStereo <<