Datapixx GetTouchpixxStatus - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Psychtoolbox › Datapixx.{mex*,dll} subfunction
Returns a struct containing the following TOUCHPixx touch panel status
-"enabled" is 1 if TOUCHPixx touch panel hardware is present and enabled.
-"stabilizeDuration" is duration in seconds that TOUCHPixx panel coordinates
must be stable before being recognized as a touch in GetTouchpixxCoords().
-"isPressed" is 1 if touch panel is currently being pressed.
-"touchX", "touchY" current touch coordinates. See GetTouchpixxCoordinates for
-"logRunning" is 1 if TOUCHPixx activity is being logged to RAM buffer.
-"logContinuous" is 1 if continuous position/timetag updates will be logged at
200Hz during a panel touch, or 0 if logging only returns initial press and
release events.
-"bufferBaseAddress" is the acquisition data buffer base address within the
-"bufferSize" is the number of bytes in the acquisition data buffer.
-"numBufferFrames" is the total number of samples which fit in the acquisition
data buffer.
-"currentWriteFrame" is the buffer frame which will be written by the next
acquired sample.
-"currentReadFrame" is the buffer frame which will be read by the next call to
-"newLogFrames" = currentWriteFrame - currentReadFrame. This is the maximum
number of frames which can be read by the next call to ReadTouchpixxLog, without
causing an underflow.
-"numLogUnderflows" is the number of ReadTouchpixxLog underflows which have
occurred since SetTouchpixxLog. See ReadTouchpixxLog for details.
See Touchpixx*Demo files for examples.
<<=====See also:===== EnableTouchpixx, GetTouchpixxCoordinates, SetTouchpixxLog <<