Datapixx EnableVideoStereoBlueline - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Psychtoolbox › Datapixx.{mex*,dll} subfunction
Enables the bottom raster line to be interpreted as a VESA 3D left/right eye
If the left 1/4 of the line is blue or white, and the remainder of the line is
black, then the frame will be interpreted as containing left-eye data. If the
left 3/4 of the line is blue or white, and the remainder of the line is black,
then the frame will be interpreted as containing right-eye data.
See ImagingStereoDemo.m for an example. Invoke using ImagingStereoDemo(1,1).
<<=====See also:===== DisableVideoStereoBlueline, SetVideoStereoVesaWaveform <<