CylinderAnnulusOpenGLDemo - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
CylinderAnnulusOpenGLDemo([patternType=0][, multiSample=0])
This demo demonstrates use of OpenGL commands in a Matlab script to
map a 2D image onto a 3D cylindrical surface.
It loads a JPEG image of the earths surface from the filesystem, using
Matlabs imread() function, then converts the image into a Psychtoolbox
texture using Screen('MakeTexture'), then provides this texture as a
standard OpenGL compatible texture using Screen('GetOpenGLTexture').
This standard texture is applied to a cylinder using standard OpenGL commands
and finally the cylinder is drawn as a rotating object in a simple animation
loop. --> You'll see a rotating cylinder.
Stop the demo by pressing any key and it will finish.
The optional parameter 'multiSample' allows to enable anti-aliased
drawing with 'multiSample' samples per pixel on hardware that supports
The optional parameter 'patternType' allows (if set to non-zero
value) to apply a specific pattern to the spinning cylinder, instead of
a "earth surface texture image". This demonstrates algorithmic texture
generation and the use of trilinear mipmap filtering to improve image
quality for high frequency edges and such...
0 = Jpeg image of earth surface.
1 = Checkerboard pattern.
2 = Simple vertical annulus.
The OpenGL Red Book is a great introduction and reference for OpenGL
programming. Release 1.0 is available online, later releases can be
purchased in any good book store:\_book\_1.0/
The earth surface JPEG-image is taken from the Linux/KDE application
kdeworldclock. kdeworldclock and its components are licensed under