CreateProceduralGabor - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
[gaborid, gaborrect] = CreateProceduralGabor(windowPtr, width, height [, nonSymmetric=0][, backgroundColorOffset =(0,0,0,0)][, disableNorm=0][, contrastPreMultiplicator=1][, validModulationRange=[-2,2]])
Creates a procedural texture that allows to draw Gabor stimulus patches
in a very fast and efficient manner on modern graphics hardware.
This works on GPU's with support for the OpenGL shading language and
vertex- and fragment shaders. See ProceduralGaborDemo and
ProceduralGarboriumDemo for examples on how to use this function.
ProceduralGaborDemo shows drawing of a single gabor and also allows to
perform a speed benchmark and a correctness test to verify correct
working and accuracy of this approach. ProceduralGarboriumDemo shows how
to draw large numbers of gabor patches with different paramters in a very
fast and efficient way.
'windowPtr' A handle to the onscreen window.
'width' x 'height' The maximum size (in pixels) of the gabor. More
precise, the size of the mathematical support of the gabor. Providing too
small values here would 'cut off' peripheral parts or your gabor. Too big
values don't hurt wrt. correctness or accuracy, they just hurt
performance, ie. drawing speed. Use a reasonable size for your purpose.
'nonSymmetric' Optional, defaults to zero. A non-zero value means that
you intend to draw gabors whose gaussian hull is not perfectly circular
symmetric, but a more general ellipsoid. The generated procedural texture
will honor an additional 'spatial aspect ratio' parameter, at the expense
of a higher computational effort and therefore slower drawing speed.
'backgroundColorOffset' Optional, defaults to [0 0 0 0]. A RGBA offset
color to add to the final RGBA colors of the drawn gabor, prior to
drawing it.
'disableNorm' Optional, defaults to 0. If set to a value of 1, the
special multiplicative normalization term normf = 1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sc)
will not be applied to the computed gabor. By default (setting 0), it
will be applied. This term seems to be a reasonable normalization of the
total amplitude of the gabor, but it is not part of the standard
definition of a gabor. Therefore we allow to disable this normalization.
'contrastPreMultiplicator' Optional, defaults to 1. This value is
multiplied as a scaling factor to the requested contrast value.
'validModulationRange' Optional, defaults to [-2, +2]. The range of gabor
modulation values to which the gabr is clamped. As this can vary only in
the range -1 to +1, the default setting of -2 <= x <= +2 means to not apply
any restriction/clamping. If you'd set it to, e.g., [0, 2] then you would not
allow negative values in the output gabor patch, only the positive "half-wave".
This is important when adding colors to gabors, according to practitioners of
the field.
If you use the normalized 0-1 color range and select 'modulateColor' below
as unit values, e.g., modulateColor = [1 1 1 0], and leave globalAlpha out
or set it to its 1.0 default, then the following seems to apply:
If you set the 'disableNorm' parameter to 1 to disable the builtin normf
normalization and then specify contrastPreMultiplicator = 0.5 then the
per gabor 'contrast' value will correspond to what practitioners of the
field usually understand to be the contrast value of a gabor. Specifically,
assuming a 0.5 (=50%) gray background and a properly gamma corrected /
linearized display, the 'contrast' value, as described below, that you
pass to Screen('DrawTexture',...) will then allow to directly specify
Michelson contrast: 'contrast' = (Imax - Imin) / (Imin + Imax)
of course assuming isolated, non-superimposing gabors, so the Michelson
contrast corresponds to the maxima and minima of the gabor patch under
a suitable phase shift, where the minimum or maximum of the patch lies
in the center of the patch.
The function returns a procedural texture handle 'gaborid' that you can
pass to the Screen('DrawTexture(s)', windowPtr, gaborid, ...) functions
like any other texture handle. The 'gaborrect' is a rectangle which
describes the size of the gabor support.
Screen('DrawTexture', windowPtr, gaborid, [], dstRect, Angle, [], [],
modulateColor, [], kPsychDontDoRotation, [phase+180, freq, sc,
contrast, aspectratio, 0, 0, 0]);
Draws the gabor 'gaborid' into window 'windowPtr', at position 'dstRect',
or in the center if 'dstRect' is set to []. Make sure 'dstRect' has the
size of 'gaborrect' to avoid spatial distortions! You could do, e.g.,
dstRect = OffsetRect(gaborrect, xc, yc) to place the gabor centered at
screen position (xc,yc).
The definition of the gabor mostly follows the definition of Wikipedia,
but you can check the source code of ProceduralGaborDemo for a reference
Matlab implementation which is exactly equivalent to what this routine
Wikipedia's definition (better readable):\_filter
See for
Psychtoolbox forum message 9174 with an in-dephs discussion of this
'Angle' is the optional orientation angle in degrees (0-360), default is zero degrees.
'modulateColor' is the base color of the gabor patch - it defaults to
white, ie. the gabor has only luminance, but no color. If you'd set it to
[255 0 0] you'd get a reddish gabor.
'phase' is the phase of the gabors sine grating in degrees.
'freq' is its spatial frequency in cycles per pixel.
'sc' is the spatial constant of the gaussian hull function of the gabor, ie.
the "sigma" value in the exponential function.
'contrast' is the amplitude of your gabor in intensity units - A factor
that is multiplied to the evaluated gabor equation before converting the
value into a color value. 'contrast' may be a bit of a misleading term
'aspectratio' Defines the aspect ratio of the hull of the gabor. This
parameter is ignored if the 'nonSymmetric' flag hasn't been set to 1 when
calling the CreateProceduralGabor() function.
Make sure to use the Screen('DrawTextures', ...); function properly,
instead of the Screen('DrawTexture', ...); function, if you want to draw
many different gabors simultaneously - this is much faster!