CalibrateFitLinMod - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
cal = CalibrateFitLinMod(cal)
Fit the linear model to spectral calibration data.
3/26/02 dhb Pulled out of CalibrateMonDrvr.
3/27/02 dhb Add case of nPrimaryBases == 0.
2/15/10 dhb Fix so that first basis vector is good approximation to max
input primary spectrum.
dhb Normalize basis vectors so that their max power matches that
of first component.
4/30/10 dhb Execute yoked fit if yokedGamma flag is set.
5/25/10 dhb, ar Change yoked field names to match
5/26/10 dhb, ar Still fussing with names.
5/28/10 dhb, ar Pull out yoked fitting from here -- too confusing.
5/27/12 dhb Handle case where there are more measurements than wavelength samples.
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