AddToMatlabPathDynamically - aleslab/Psychtoolbox-3-aleslab-fork GitHub Wiki
Add the directory and its subdirectories to Matlab's path, dynamically,
with strippint out of .svn and .git directories.
Use for putting routines onto path that are specifict to a particular
project, without them staying around and clogging up the name space.
Typical usages:
a) When getting version info
exp.mFileName = mfilename;
[exp.versionInfo,exp.codeDir] = GetAllVersionInfo(exp.mFileName);
b) Direct call
AddToMatlabPathDynamically( fileparts(which(mfilename)));
7/12/13 dhb Wrote it.
7/25/14 dhb Make independent of BrainardLab idiosyncracies.
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