msa congdb report viewer setup - ajtruckle/meeting-schedule-assistant-support GitHub Wiki

Setup - Congregations

Click Setup the Report Viewer window.

Congregation database report setup button

Congregation database report setup window

The Setup window allows you to specify how the Congregation Database Report will be created.

The Sort by, Sort order and Date Format settings are saved when you dismiss the window by pressing the OK button. It always defaults to the Simple report mode.

Note IconTo learn more about the features of this window, glance down the table below or highlight the control you are interested in by clicking on the screenshot above.

Report mode

You can create several different types of report. Each is referred to as a report mode:

Congregation database report setup - report mode

  • Hospitality List
    This displays a list of visiting speakers to your congregation for the chosen date range and indicates who is providing hospitality.
  • Report by congregation
    This displays a list of congregations (including the summary information from the simple report) along with its speakers and their talk outline numbers. It also shows which ones are each speaker's favourite.
  • Report by talk number
    This displays a list of speakers within each congregation who give the talk numbers you have selected.
  • Simple report
    This simply shows a list of all the congregations and when they were last invited, the meeting time and who the talk coordinator is.

Sort by

You can choose how you want to sort the information:

  • Congregation
  • Last invited date

Note IconThis setting is only enabled when the Simple report mode is selected.


You can choose in which direction the information should be sorted:

  • Ascending
  • Descending

Note IconThis setting is only enabled when the Simple report mode is selected.

Date Range

The date range determines how much information is included from the assignment history database. This information is available for you to use in any of your report temples.

Note IconThe Hospitality List report mode make use of the assignment history.

Date Format

Congregation database report setup - date formatDates are normally displayed on the report using the short date format (this is managed by your computers Regional settings).  But you have full control over how you want the dates to be displayed. You can find out more about customizing the date format concept in the application Settings help topic.
Selection list The information displayed in the list depends upon the selected report mode. Select which congregations / talk numbers to include in the report. Congregation database report setup - selection list Check All Press this button to automatically check all the entries in the list. Uncheck All Press this button to automatically uncheck all highlighted entries in the selection list box.