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Last update:26-11-2024
The main purpose of this repository, here on GitHub, is to provide useful easy to easy-to-understand information about wireless aggressions that are the root cause of many illnesses treated by conventional medicines, some with success with complete healing, others with total failure and death. The reason for that is the root cause of the illness, regardless of whether being a gadget, device, or any other, in particular when it continues to target and hit the victim for a prolonged period of time, repeating the physical damage it causes to the human body, adding to the illness diagnosed by Medical Doctors, Physicians, and Nurses. The same applies to therapists in all complementary medicine.
Another very important key characteristic of these types of wireless aggression is they are invisible and so small, targeting and causing damage at a lower dimension where the celular dimension exists, at the molecular and atomic levels and dimensions. The aggression itself is invisible and so is the biological damage it causes. This poses an even greater concern when one starts to talk about human longevity with good health.
Read the "How to Proceed" section below to learn how to proceed before calling the emergency number 122 (EU) \ 911(USA), before going to a Medical Doctor or Therapist. To continue reading click here.
This repository is intended to provide useful easy-to-understand information, "for dummies", related to gadgets, devices, electronics in general, and their abusive usage to the point of causing harm to a person or living being, for instance, attacking with some type electromagnetic coronal detonation with intent to produce faint light or even sound noise and effects to scare or threaten someone.
This repository focuses on the following conventional medical diagnostics:
- Skin-related illnesses* such as psoriasis, chilblains, herpes
- Hair and beard "illnesses" such as "gray hair", and hair loss
- all illnesses related to the neurobiology of a person where it is included the fields of psychology and psychiatry such as "Depression", Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer
- All types of cancer diagnosis
- All types of neuromuscular illnesses such as sclerosis
- All medical diagnoses related to the "5 senses" such as vision, hearing, touch, and taste
- All types of sensory overload, interference, and manipulation
- A.D.H.D. is a sensory overload type of wireless aggression in a continued manner
- Sleep unbalances and disorders
- Circadian Rhtyms unbalances and disorders
"...in the United States, 40,000 women die from breast cancer each year.... "
There are 40,000 women who are persecuted and attacked per year with some device or contraption that causes the medical condition known as "cancer". Worse, many medical treatments are the main reason for death.
Simply, because the victim is not capable of turning off the devices that attack him/her repetitively and recurrently. All because the victim does not have a device capable of detecting and monitoring this type of invisible and wireless aggression. And as if it weren't enough, it's a mandatory condition, to have some daily record, a #LogBook, a #history of occurrences of this type of aggression, capable of serving as evidence, preferably one that can be used in "real-time" and remotely by authorities and law enforcement.
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) is defined as the most successful quantum field theory, particularly applied to simple atoms, enabling highly accurate theoretical predictions and precise experimental measurements in the field of precision physics. AI-generated definition based on: Physics Reports, 2005 In everyday language it means an algorithm, running in hardware electronics with enough computational power, is used to model how "Energy" (electromagnetic photonic or other) is emitted and broadcasted from the device into the surrounding environment. This type of transmission device can not be detected by identifying repeating patterns over time, simply because, it does not use classical mathematical formulae and models, also known as patterns, such as the well-known "sine wave" pattern, used in simpler and "older" radio electronics.
The digital picture below depicts how the "new" wireless aggressions happen near a person's body.

The "new" digital pictures of an Aura show how the new wireless aggressions happen near a person's body
The definition of wireless in this repository goes beyond WIFI and internet communications without the need for wires. Instead, it defines all electromagnetic and photonic activity as being capable of moving from one place to another regardless of medium, for instance, water, air in the atmosphere, and any other material. This type of wireless activity exists naturally in the surrounding environment, part of nature on planet Earth, or it can be artificially produced by humans.
Wireless aggression defines an act of aggression at a distance, most of the time invisible to the human eye, that is able to cause some kind and type of biological damage to one's health. These aggressions can occur naturally, without human action, the result of Nature's natural activity, this means there's no human intent to cause harm or crime, or it can be planned and executed with criminous intent and to cause harm and even death.
Humans have 5 main senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Our sensors include the eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue. Additional sensors include temperature sensors, body position sensors, balance sensors, and blood acidity sensors. Continue reading
- What is a Sensory Overload in a Person ?
- What is sensory wireless aggression at a distance ?
- what is wireless Electronic Harassment: of a person ?
- what is wireless Sensory Substitution in a person ?
- what is Sensory Manipulation through Technology ?
On the 1st and 2nd of September 1859, one of the largest geomagnetic storms (as recorded by ground-based magnetometers) occurred.[6] Estimates of the storm strength (Dst) range from −0.80 to −1.75 μT.[7]. The geomagnetic storm was associated with a very bright solar flare on 1 September 1859. It was observed and recorded independently by British astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson—the first records of a solar flare. A geomagnetic storm of this magnitude occurring today has the potential to cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended cuts of the electrical power grid.[3][4][5]
The K-scale is a quasi-logarithmic scale derived from the maximum fluctuation R (in units of nanoteslas, nT) in the horizontal component of Earth's magnetic field observed on a magnetometer relative to a quiet day during a three-hour interval. The conversion table from maximum fluctuation to K-index varies from observatory to observatory in such a way that the historical rate of occurrence of certain levels of K are about the same at all observatories. The official planetary Kp-index is derived by calculating a weighted average of K-indices from a network of 13 geomagnetic observatories at mid-latitude locations. Continue reading about the K-Index on Wikipedia.
To view the current planetary Kp Index go to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOOA) website (updated every 3h)
To learn what the number in the Kp Index means go here.
This is an extensive and time-consuming subject that requires an understanding of key concepts from a multitude of areas of knowledge, from classical physics to electrical engineering, photonics, computer sciences, quantum physics, and even conventional and non-conventional medicines. On the link below is a short summarized description of many types of wireless aggressions possible...
continue reading.
List of known devices and gadgets known to be used to cause physical harm. Click here to open
Also, make sure to read the discussions. Link below.
Modeling a digital twin of a human body involves creating a highly detailed virtual representation that mimics the physiological and anatomical characteristics of a real person. This technology holds promise for advancements in personalized medicine, healthcare, and research. However, when it comes to simulating the effects of electromagnetic (EM) radiation, several dangers and ethical concerns need to be addressed...
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The smart safety & health devices available on this repository, are open hardware, meaning anyone can use them royalty-free, and are suited for the kind of wireless aggression that behaves like ripples in a pond. For instance Wireless electromagnetic radios, including those found on smartphones, tablets, WIFI routers at home, and many more. (except those with directional beam forming technologies). This type of aggression has the characteristic to happen only during short periods of time, in the order of milliseconds or less regardless of electromagnetic radiation conditions and threshold limits of wireless networks.
To facilitate the deployment of open smart devices capable of measuring "electromagnetic activity" in the surrounding environment, indoors or outdoors, this repository includes the KiCad project files to expedite prototyping by DIY hobbyists and Makers. There's also the option to buy at a reduced, fair price on my tindie.com store price starts at around 50 eur. To view a list of open hardware electronics, cost-free, and available for anyone to download and use on their projects, click here
To read more about the Safety Usage of the Smart Devices Provided on this repository click here
On the following link is a list of commercial wearables, Gear, and Clothing I personally tested and used, click here to open it.
The current total cost of this project, to date, is listed below:
- Work hours dedicated to this project: >510 w.h
This includes research and study about Bio EM RF, building this repository, and other useless miscellaneous online tasks.
hardware electronics assembly and testing, several times. - Electronic components >500 eur
- Other materials ~490 eur
Most recent sponsorships to this project were made by:
Maria Jesus Amorim with a sponsorship of 1300€.
She will receive a "Smart Corona Discharge Detector" to install in her home. - Bernardino Pereira da Silva e Maria Cecilia Fonseca Pinto with a sponsorship of 550€.
in return were given support and assistance on all things wireless related to abusive usages and even criminous and terrorist types of activities, in particular electromagnetic (radio frequency, etc, ..) and photonic (lasers, LED, etc..).
Wireless, invisible aggressions are hard to detect, simply because they happen in milliseconds and at the speed of light. On top of that, the ubiquity and availability of electronic devices means an aggressor is able to set up an attack in so many different ways that it is even harder to detect it.
Wireless invisible aggressions' main target is the neurobiology in a person's body. The fast and easier targets are the sensing ability, for instance, listening \ hearing, seeing, feeling touching, and smelling. The wireless aggressions that mimic natural patterns, frequencies, vibrations, and radiation are the ones used to deceive and steal someone. For instance, natural nature sounds such as water in a river, artificial sun rays from a hot summer day, and many more.
In a simplistic way, whenever someone denies or refuses to talk about any type of distant neurosensory aggression it is because... continue reading here...
The omnipresence of electrical appliances in our daily lives is a cause for concern. To date, no scientific study has succeeded in demonstrating the harmfulness of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Because of the nature of all these wireless* aggressions happening in milliseconds, most invisible to the human eye, to this date some studies where only been able to uncover statistical correlations but fail to explain the causal link. When in doubt, the precautionary principle is applied....
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If you are certain some kind of wireless aggression causes your health-related problem, the first thing you need to do is to seek a wireless communications expert or engineer and ask him/her to audit your home, workplace (or another place you find it to be the root cause) to setup measurement devices (more than 2), for electromagnetic radiation detection (or other, for instance, photonics, also known as lasers) and do active monitoring 24/7. The monitoring setup needs to be able to do sensor data measurement uploads to an experimental data repository (read more here ). At the same time is a mandatory requirement to notify authorities and include the web address link where sensor data is being uploaded and stored.
When the wireless aggression is electromagnetic in nature, there's the tendency to be still and not move. This reaction is one of fear and ignorance and it will cause more harm than good. It is important to react immediately and move to a different location, preferably one where the power and intensity of the radiation are much lower or absent...
Reporting mechanisms vary from one country to another. In Member States which do not have a dedicated online option in place, you are advised to go to your local police station to complain. In 2024, due to the nature of this type of attack and aggression, it is not advisable to complain to the local police, simply because they are not trained and prepared to receive this type of "bio-terrorism" complaint. When possible ALWAYS use the online complaint forms.
To continue reading, click here.
Legality and Regulations in Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Proteção Contra Radiações (SPPCR)
These types of wireless aggressions are the root cause of many illnesses treated by conventional medicines, some with success with complete healing, others with total failure and death. The reason for that is in the root cause of the illness, regardless of whether being a gadget, device, or any other, in particular when it continues to target and hit the victim for a prolonged period of time, repeating the physical damage it causes to the human body, adding to the illness diagnosed by Medical Doctors, Physicians, and Nurses. The same applies to therapists on all Complementary Medicines.
For a victim to be sure medical treatment is going to be effective and with total healing, he\she needs to be aware and knowledgeable of such invisible aggressions, their symptoms, and how to correctly proceed in the event of an attack and poor health.
Another very important key characteristic of these types of wireless aggression is they are invisible and so small, targeting and causing damage at a lower dimension where the celular dimension exists, at the molecular and atomic levels and dimensions. The aggression itself is invisible and so is the biological damage it causes. This poses an even greater concern when one starts to talk about human longevity with good health.
Read the "How to Proceed" section above to learn how to proceed before calling the emergency number 122 (EU) \ 911(USA), before going to a Medical Doctor or Therapist. To continue click here.
Complementary medicines are known to assist in treating and curing these kinds of health-related problems...continue reading here
Known Medical Conditions with Root Cause Some Type of Wireless Aggression. To view a list of known medical conditions related to radiation and vibration interference and their interaction with the biology of the human body. Cilck here.
View a list of similar projects related to radiation and vibration interference and interaction with the biology of the human body. Cilck here.
View a list of publications related to radiation and vibration interference and interaction with the biology of the human body. Cilck here.
- Modelling of a Human Body's Electromagnetism
- Muscle electrostimulation: effects and frequency types
- Wireless Aggression from Corona Discharge
List of related and useful websites. Click here to open.
What other people are talking about these subjects discussed here. Continue reading here...