Checkpoint: genome assemnly - aechchiki/SIB_LongReadsWorkshop_Zurich17 GitHub Wiki
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This is a self checkpoint.
General assembly
You should be able to answer these questions if you read introduction to this section Genome assembly .
What are three main steps of long read assembly? hint
What is the computational bottleneck?
What are aspects of genome that should help you decide which algorithm to use for assembly?
Canu and Miniasm
You should be able to answer these questions if you successfully completed tutorial assembly using Canu and assembly using Miniasm .
What is the extra step in
besides OLC? -
What is the omitted step in
assembly? Are you aware of a tool to calculate the omitted step? -
Which of the assembler was faster? Can you guess why?
Answers can be found here
Go to next section Transcriptome assembly
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