Biological material - aechchiki/SIB_LongReadsWorkshop_Zurich17 GitHub Wiki
Last year in this tutorial, we analyzed DNA sequencing data of the lambda phage: it is a rather simple organism with small genome size (48 Kbp) that made computations easier but not particularly interesting, biologically speaking.
This year, we propose you to analyze both DNA and RNA sequencing data of the model fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster: it is one of the genetically best-known and best-annotated eukaryotic organisms. D. melanogaster has a relatively easy genomic organization (3 autosomes + 1 X/Y pair) and a compact genome size (175 Mbp), but still preserving some level of complexity at gene (> 60% of the genome seems to be functional non-protein-coding DNA) and transcript level (~14k protein-coding genes, ~30k transcripts).
To make computations faster, we focused on assembling the smallest chromosome of D. melanogaster (chr4, 1.4 Mbp) and analyzing the RNA reads mapping to it.
Go to page with tips, how to do a proper File organization .
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