AudioChannel - adventuregamestudio/ags-manual GitHub Wiki

AudioChannel functions and properties

The AudioChannel instance represents a currently playing audio file. You can use this instance to check the status of playing sounds, and adjust them.



Pauses the playback on this channel


AudioChannel *channel = aMusic.Play();
Display("After this message the audio will pause, but we may unpause soon")
Display("After this message the audio will keep playing")

will start playing the aMusic audio clip, and then pause after the first message and resume after the second message.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.Resume



Resumes the paused audio channel.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, wait 20 ticks, pause, wait 20 ticks in silence, then continue playing.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.Pause


(Formerly known as SeekMIDIPosition, which is now obsolete) (Formerly known as SeekMODPattern, which is now obsolete) (Formerly known as SeekMP3PosMillis, which is now obsolete)

AudioChannel.Seek(int position)

Seeks the audio clip that is currently playing on this channel to position.

What position represents depends on the FileType of the audio clip:

  • MIDI - the beat number
  • MOD/XM/S3M - the pattern number
  • WAV/VOC - the sample number (e.g. in a 22050 Hz sound, 22050 = 1 second)
  • OGG/MP3 - milliseconds offset


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, wait for a second, then seek it back to the start.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.SeekMs, AudioChannel.Position, AudioChannel.PositionMs


AudioChannel.SeekMs(int position)

Seeks the audio clip that is currently playing on this channel to position in milliseconds.


AudioChannel *channel = aMusic.Play();

will start playing the aMusic audio clip, wait for a second, then jump to 10 seconds position and continue from there.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.Seek, AudioChannel.Position, AudioChannel.PositionMs


(Formerly part of PlayAmbientSound, which is now obsolete)

AudioChannel.SetRoomLocation(int x, int y)

Sets the currently playing audio to be a directional sound, emanating from (x,y).

The volume of the channel will be dynamically adjusted depending on how close the player character is to the co-ordinates. Therefore, as the player walks closer the volume will increase, and as they walk away the volume will decrease.

The channel's Volume setting sets the maximum possible volume when the player is standing on the specified co-ordinates.

Pass the co-ordinates as (0,0) to remove the directional effect and return this channel to playing at its normal volume.


AudioChannel *channel = aMachine.Play();
channel.SetRoomLocation(oMachine.X, oMachine.Y);

will start playing the aMachine audio clip, and set it at the location of the oMachine room object.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.Volume, Character.ScaleVolume


int AudioChannel.Speed

Gets/sets the playing audio clip's playback speed. The value is defined in clip's milliseconds per second: 1000 is default, meaning 1000 of clip's ms in 1 real second (scale 1:1). Set < 1000 for slower play and > 1000 for faster play.


AudioChannel *channel = aFunnyTalk.Play();
channel.Speed = 2000;

plays aFunnyTalk clip at the double speed.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.4.0 and later versions. Prior to AGS 3.6.0 was working only for MP3 and OGG clips.


(Formerly known as StopAmbientSound, which is now obsolete) (Formerly known as StopChannel, which is now obsolete)


Stops the sound that is currently playing on this audio channel.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, wait for a second, then stop it.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: Game.StopAudio


readonly int AudioChannel.ID

Gets the Channel ID of this audio channel. You will not normally need to use this, but it can be used for inter-operating with legacy commands such as StopChannel.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
Display("Explosion playing on channel %d", channel.ID);

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, and display which channel it is playing on.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.


readonly bool AudioChannel.IsPaused

Gets whether this audio channel is currently paused. Returns true if it is, or false if it is not.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.Pause, AudioChannel.Resume


(Formerly known as IsChannelPlaying, which is now obsolete)

readonly bool AudioChannel.IsPlaying

Gets whether this audio channel is currently playing a sound. Returns true if it is, or false if it is not.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
while (channel.IsPlaying) Wait(1);
Display("Finished playing the explosion");

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, and wait until it finishes.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioClip.Play


readonly int AudioChannel.LengthMs

Gets the length of the audio playing on this channel, in milliseconds.

This is supported by all file types, but with MIDI music it is only accurate to the nearest second.

If this channel is not currently playing any audio, returns 0.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
Display("The Explosion sound is %d ms long.", channel.LengthMs);

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, then display its length.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.PositionMs


int AudioChannel.Panning

Gets/sets the panning of this audio channel.

Panning allows you to adjust the stereo balance of the audio. The default is 0, which is centered and will play at the same volume on both speakers. However you can adjust this between -100 (fully left) to 100 (fully right) to adjust the balance between the speakers.

IMPORTANT: only mono clips support panning at the moment.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
channel.Panning = -100;

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip on the left speaker only.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioClip.Play


(Formerly known as GetCurrentMusic, which is now obsolete)

readonly AudioClip* AudioChannel.PlayingClip

Gets the audio clip that is playing on this channel. This allows you to find out the type of the clip, and other information.

Returns null if there is no sound currently playing on this channel.


AudioChannel *channel = System.AudioChannels[2];
if (channel.PlayingClip == null)
    Display("Nothing is playing on channel 2");
    Display("Channel 2 is playing a clip of type %d", channel.PlayingClip.Type);

will display what is currently playing on audio channel 2.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioClip.Play, System.AudioChannels


(Formerly known as GetMIDIPosition, which is now obsolete) (Formerly known as GetMODPattern, which is now obsolete) (Formerly known as GetMP3PosMillis, which is now obsolete)

readonly int AudioChannel.Position

Gets the current position of the audio playing on this channel.

What position represents depends on the FileType of the audio clip:

  • MIDI - the beat number
  • MOD/XM/S3M - the pattern number
  • WAV/VOC - the sample number (e.g. in a 22050 Hz sound, 22050 = 1 second)
  • OGG/MP3 - milliseconds offset

This property is read-only. If you want to change the current playback position within the audio file, use the AudioChannel.Seek or AudioChannel.SeekMs function.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
channel.Seek(channel.Position + 1000);

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, wait for a second, then seek it ahead one second (if it is OGG/MP3/WAV).

NOTE: For historical reasons this property works differently during skipped cutscene: in such case it will return a very large arbitrary number instead. This was originally done to avoid game script locking up in do/while loops that check for clip position reaching certain value, because it might never reach it when game is "fast-forwarding". If this is a problem for your script, make sure to test for Game.SkippingCutscene.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.PositionMs, AudioChannel.Seek, AudioChannel.SeekMs


readonly int AudioChannel.PositionMs

Gets the current position of the audio playing on this channel, in milliseconds.

This is supported by all file types except MIDI, and returns the current offset into the sound in milliseconds. MIDI files will always return 0.

This property is read-only. If you want to change the current playback position within the audio file, use the AudioChannel.Seek or AudioChannel.SeekMs function.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
Display("After 1 second, offset is %d ms.", channel.PositionMs);

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, wait for a second, then display its position.

NOTE: For historical reasons this property works differently during skipped cutscene: in such case it will return a very large arbitrary number instead. This was originally done to avoid game script locking up in do/while loops that check for clip position reaching certain value, because it might never reach it when game is "fast-forwarding". If this is a problem for your script, make sure to test for Game.SkippingCutscene.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.LengthMs, AudioChannel.Position, AudioChannel.Seek, AudioChannel.SeekMs


(Formerly known as SetChannelVolume, which is now obsolete) (Formerly known as SetMusicVolume, which is now obsolete)

int AudioChannel.Volume

Gets/sets the volume of this audio channel, from 0 to 100. This allows you to dynamically adjust the volume of a playing sound.

This command adjusts the volume of this channel relative to the other channels. It is still constrained within the overall volume, set by the System.Volume property.

NOTE: This command only affects the current sound being played on the channel. When a new audio clip starts playing on this channel, the volume will be set to the DefaultVolume of the new audio clip.

NOTE: The volume returned by this property is the channel's base volume, i.e. it does not include the effects of any directional audio set with SetRoomLocation, or any temporary volume drop while speech is playing.


AudioChannel *channel = aExplosion.Play();
channel.Volume = 20;

will start playing the aExplosion audio clip, wait for a second, then reduce its volume.

Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.2.0 and later versions.

See also: AudioChannel.SetRoomLocation, Game.SetAudioTypeVolume, System.Volume, Character.ScaleVolume