DOM module reference - adsbypasser/adsbypasser GitHub Wiki

This module provides DOM related feature, almost all AdsBypasser needs are in this module.

Table Of Contents


$(selector, context=document) {Element}

Although I call $ is a module, in fact it is a function.

This function will returns the first element within the context (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selector (a string containing CSS3 selectors).

If selector can not found in context, will throws DomNotFoundError exception.


<!-- ... -->
<div id="dom-id">
  <!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
let i = $('#dom-id');
// i is the div element

$.$(selector, context=document) {Element}

Same as $(), but returns null instead of throw exception if not found.


let i = $.$('img');
if (!i) {
  /* other action */;

$.$$(selector, context=document) {NodeList}

Same as $(), but returns all matched elements. If no element matches selector, an empty NodeList is returned.


let s = $.$$('script');
s = _.find(s, (script) => {
  return script.textContent.indexOf('redirect');
// s is the first matched script tag

$.remove(selector, context=document) {void}

Removes all nodes within the context that matches the specified group of selector.


// removes all iframe

$.toDOM(rawHTML) {XMLDocument}

Converts the rawHTML text to an XMLDocument object that can be used with standards Javascript functions and AdsBypasser DOM functions as a context.


let doc = '<html><body><a id="redirect" href="">Redirect</a></body></html>';
// Convert our raw HTML to an XMLDocument for easier parsing
let XMLDoc = $.toDOM(doc);
let redirectURL = $('#redirect', XMLDoc);

await $.openLink(redirectURL);

$.searchFromScripts(pattern [,context]) {String|Array}

Finds the first script in the context (by default document) which is matched by pattern and return the matches.

pattern can be a RegExp or a string. If pattern is a RegExp, it will return the matched groups. If pattern is a string, it will return whole script content.

If pattern is not a RegExp nor a string, or given pattern not found, returns null.


let doc = [
  '<script>var ads = "/* some complicated code */&"</script>',
// Create a fake page for the example
let XMLDoc = $.toDOM(doc);

// Match in the scripts of the page
let matches = $.searchFromScripts('var ads', XMLDoc);
if (!matches.match(/url=([^&]+)/)) {
matches = $.searchFromScripts(/document\.location\.href="([^"]+)";/, XMLDoc);
let redirectURL = matches[1];

await $.openLink(redirectURL);

$.openLink(url, [options]) {Promise}

Redirect to url.

options have the following keys:


If it is true, HTTP Referer header will be sent. Defaults to true.


An object or a string that contains POST data. If this key is set, the request will use POST, otherwise use GET. Defaults to undefined.


let redirecter = $('a');
await $.openLink(redirecter.href);
// will open a link that will redirect to the website, it checks the referer so we need to use this function
let a = $('a');
await $.openLink(a.href, {
  referer: false,
// will redirect to the link without Referer
let f = $('form');
await $.openLink(f.action, {
  post: {},
// POST to form target

$.openImage(imageUrl, [options]) {Promise}

Redirect to the image imageUrl.

options have the following keys:


Stays on current page, and replace the whole page content with a image which imageUrl points to. This is useful when browsers can not show the image directly (e.g.: forcing download attachment, wrong mime type ... etc.). Defaults to false


If it is true, HTTP Referer header will be sent. Defaults to false.


let img = $('img');
await $.openImage(img.src);
// will redirect to the image

$.post(url[, data[, headers]]) {Promise}

Make an AJAX request to url by POST method. data can be a query string or an object. headers is an object or an array-like object that will add and overwrite default headers.

If data is an object, it will be recursively serialize to a query string.

Returns a Promise, which has an extra method: abort(), used for canceling the request.


let text = await $.post('/ajax', {
  args: {
    lid: 123,
    oid: 456,
  opt: 'make_log',
// POST /ajax?args%5Blid%5D=123&args%5Boid%5D=456&opt=make_log

$.get(url[, data[, headers]]) {Promise}

Make an AJAX request to url (relative or absolute url) by GET method. data can be a query string or an object. headers is an object or an array-like object that will add and overwrite default headers.

If data is an object, it will be recursively serialize to a query string.

Returns a Promise, which has an extra method: abort(), used for canceling the request.


let text = await $.get('/frame', {
  frameinfo: {
    id: 123,
    number: 456,
// GET /frame?frameinfo%5Bid%5D=123&frameinfo%5Bnumber%5D=456

$.getCookie(key) {String}

Returns the content of the cookie of the current document with name key.

$.setCookie(key, value) {String}

Sets or replace the content of the cookie of the current document with name key by the value value.


$.setCookie('user', 'true');
// Set the current page cookie named 'user' to the value 'true'

$.resetCookies() {void}

Removes (expires) all cookies.

$.removeAllTimer() {void}

Removes all timer registered by window.setInterval.

$.window {unsafeWindow}

Starting from Firefox 30+, the unsafeWindow uses new policy, see here.

In short, page-script can not normally access Object, Array, Function from userscript anymore. (but primitive types are okay, e.g.: undefined, null, String, Number ... etc) You must use cloneInto and exportFunction to convert objects from sandbox.

$.window is an adapter to deal with this. You don't need to care about which object should be converted, just remember to use $.window instead of unsafeWindow.


// page-script can not call wrongFunction
unsafeWindow.wrongFunction = function () {/* ... */};
// page-script can call rightFunction
$.window.rightFunction = function () {/* ... */};

// page-script can not access property in Array or Object
unsafeWindow.aFunction([1,2,3], {a: 'b'});
// you should use $.window
$.window.aFunction([1,2,3], {a: 'b'});
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️