Acknowledgements - adda-team/adda GitHub Wiki


We do not list here ADDA contributors recognized by GitHub, i.e. commit authors, and those who develop separate branches/forks of ADDA (until they are merged into the master branch).

  • Alfons Hoesktra is the author of the original DDA code that evolved into ADDA.
  • Clive Temperton is the author of the CFFT99 Fortran routine (cfft99D.f).
  • Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura are the authors of the Mersenne twister random number generator (mt19937ar.c).
  • Michel D. Grimminck implemented the first versions of FFT part of ADDA (fft.c), matrix–vector product (matvec.c), and most of the non-standard beam types (GenerateB.c). He also contributed to the particle generation routines (make_particle.c).
  • Martin Frijlink implemented the first versions of the MPI part of ADDA (comm.c), 2D Romberg integration (Romberg.c), and calculation of the radiation force and scattering quantities obtained by integration (crosssec.c).
  • Konstantin A. Semyanov added several new shapes to the older version of particle generation routine (make_particle.c).
  • Daniel Hahn and Richard Joseph implemented egg and capsule shapes.
  • Konstantin Gilev provided the basis of the code for the shape axisymmetric.
  • Patrick C. Chaumet and Adel Rahmani contributed Fortran routines to integrate Green’s tensor (propaesplibreintadda.f) based on adaptive integration routines by Jarle Berntsen, Terje O. Espelid, and Alan Genz (dcuhre.f).
  • Jin You Lu provided the basis of the code for the shapes bicoated and bisphere.
  • Alexander Moskalensky provided the basis of the code for the shape biellipsoid.
  • Sergei Lebedev implemented shape plate.
  • Roman Schuh and Thomas Wriedt contributed "Point in Polyhedron" tool (misc/pip), using the code by John Burkardt (ivread_wr.f90).
  • Josef Gasteiger contributed tool chain to work with Hyperfun models (misc/hyperfun).
  • Code for iterative solver bcgs2 is based on zbcg2.f90 by M.A. Botchev and D.R. Fokkema.
  • Neoklis Kyriazis is the author of NEC2C, from which we took the first version of Sommerfeld integration routines.
  • Stefania D'Agostino contributed the first version of the code to calculate dipole decay-rate enhancement.
  • Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin are the authors of Bessel-functions routines (bessel.f90).


While ADDA can be executed alone, it is much more powerful when used together (linked against) the following packages. We thank their authors for their great work.

We also thank

  • Bruce T. Draine and Piotr J. Flatau for creating and developing the first publicly available DDA code DDSCAT. They maintain a high standard, which we try to match, both for highly productive convenient code and clear detailed manual. Parts of the user guide for DDSCAT 6.1 were used when writing the manual for ADDA.
  • Alexander N. Shvalov for information on MinGW and encouraging the authors to produce executables for Windows.
  • Michiel Min for fruitful discussions about the -anisotr option and his motivation to implement the FCD formulation.
  • R. Scott Brock for ideas to greatly accelerate computation of the scattered field.
  • David de Kanter for maintaining the first version of the wiki page Publications.
  • Google Code for hosting ADDA from 2008 to 2015.
  • All ADDA users who provided bug reports and suggestions, especially Antti Penttila and Vitezslav Karasek.

Funding sources

  • The University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) (?-2008)
  • The Dutch Science Foundation NWO (The Netherlands) (?-2008)
  • The Department of Defense (USA) (?-2004)
  • The NATO Science for Peace program (project 977976, 2002-2006)
  • European Research Council (ERC) (Starting Grant FP7 Project DEDOM, 2008-2013).
  • Program of the Russian Government "Research and educational personnel of innovative Russia" - contract P2497 (2009-2011) and grant 8752 (2012-2013).
  • Russian Science Foundation - grants 14-15-00155 (2014-2016) and 18-12-00052 (2018-2022)
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research - grant 18-01-00502 (2018-2020)
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