Evendur - acranbury/zemia-campaign GitHub Wiki

A young and idealistic paladin who is unusual in the sense that he has been granted powers by Anya, despite being a member of the human race who was responsible for the decline of the followers of Anya.
The party encountered Evendur and recruited him into their party during the events of the Silverfield rebellion. He was discovered in the bowels of the temple of Isten in Silverfield. It was apparent that he had been tortured for his heresy, his belief in Anya in human lands.


Evendur was raised in a noble family, as the eldest son, in the city of Lastport. Growing up Evendur had an easy life, as most noble children do. His parents looked at him as the heir of the family, being the eldest son of six, and also because of his apparent natural abilities. While Evendur enjoyed the normal joys of a well-to-do boyhood, like getting to mischief with his peers, he took his parents belief in him to heart and worked and studied hard under Theren, who he admired immensely. Theren was an elven elder skilled in the martial arts and academics. His job, as a (relatively,) well off non-human was to educate Evendur in academic subjects and teach him the art of battle.

Theren also taught the teachings of Anya to Evendur, without the knowledge of his parents. These teachings augmented Evendur’s abilities and made him quite powerful, beyond seemingly what was possible normally for a young man. After a tournament where Evendur bested the Duke’s son in a championship bout, the Duke became enraged and ordered an investigation into how Evendur acquired his strength. Shortly it was discovered that Evendur was using the power of Anya, which was taught to him by Theren. Theren was immediately sold off by his parents into slavery. Evendur was offered the opportunity to renounce Anya and continue a normal life. He did not understand how the noble teachings of Anya could be considered harmful and Evendur rejected this offer, enraged that his mentor had been sold off into slavery. At that moment his swore his Oath of Devotion to Anya and swore that he would find and rescue Theren. He gathered his things and left his hometown, at age 20.

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