Model Controls eesDispatch - acep-uaf/MiGRIDS GitHub Wiki


The eesDispatch modules are used to dispatch the electrical energy storage units (EES) in an electrical energy storage system (EESS). If an eesDispatch module is created, then it needs to follow the description below.

Input Variables

Input variables depend on which eesDispatch module is being used. The input variables will be put into the projectEesDispatchInputs XML file corresponding to that particular eesDispatch. For example, the input variables for eesDispatch0 will be stored in projectEesDispatch0Inputs. Note that there are no inputs for eesDispatch0.



Input variables

eess: a reference to the instance of the EESS object whose EES need to be dispatched.

newP: The desired new real power setpoint.

newQ: This is not implemented yet. It is the desired new reactive power setpoint.

newSRC: The desired spinning reserve capacity (SRC) to be provided by the EESS.

tIndex: The index of the current simulation step.


eesDispatch must take newP and split it between the individual EES in the EESS. The maximum charging and discharging (ees.eesPinAvail and ees.eesPoutAvail) should not be exceeded. The new powers should be assigned to the EES (ees.eesP). The EES function checkOperatingConditions should be called for each EES after being assigned their new power. The EES function setSRC should be used to assign how much SRC each EES will supply. Unlike for power, even if the EES are not able to supply all the requested newSRC, they should still be assigned the full newSRC amount. This will be tracked as under-SRC operation in the EESS where a counter keeps track of how much under-SRC operation there has been and will set a flag if it passes a threshold.


The eesDispatch modules included in this software include: