GetNewBatchSalesCreditNote - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

GetNewBatchSalesCreditNote pre-filled with defaults for a given customer

Note: The returned batch sales credit note has not yet been stored in the entity and must be saved by calling the CreateBatchSalesCreditNote method.



public WSResult2OfBatchSalesCreditNote GetNewBatchSalesCreditNote(string token, string customerCode)

Visual Basic

Public Function GetNewBatchSalesCreditNote(ByVal token As String, ByVal customerCode As String) As WSResult2OfBatchSalesCreditNote

Parameter List

Parameter Type Description

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
customerCode String The customer code for which a new batch sales credit note will be created


The following example checks the validity of the current Supplier defaults:


Integration ws = new Integration();

String auth = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
if (auth != null)
    accountsIQ.BatchSalesCreditNote inv = ws.GetNewBatchSalesCreditNote(auth, "TESTINTEGR");

    // Get the account code from a listing method instead
    inv.Description = "CreditNote number 1";
    inv.ExternalReference = "Ext ref 1";

    // Create a batch credit note with two lines
    inv.Lines = new accountsIQ.BatchSalesCreditNoteLine[2];

    //*************** First line
    inv.Lines[0] = new accountsIQ.BatchSalesCreditNoteLine();
    inv.Lines[0].Description = "Line 1";

    // Get the GL account code from a listing method
    inv.Lines[0].GLAccountCode = "2000";
    inv.Lines[0].NetAmount = 100;
    // Get the tax code & rate from a listing method
    inv.Lines[0].TaxCode = "NT";
    inv.Lines[0].TaxRate = 0.21;

    //*************** Second line
    inv.Lines[1] = new accountsIQ.BatchSalesCreditNoteLine();
    inv.Lines[1].Description = "Line 2";
    // Get the GL account code from a listing method
    inv.Lines[1].GLAccountCode = "3000";
    inv.Lines[1].NetAmount = 100;
    // Get the tax code & rate from a listing method
    inv.Lines[1].TaxCode = "NT";
    inv.Lines[1].TaxRate = 0;

    //*************** Save the batch credit note
    accountsIQ.WSResult2OfString wsbatch = ws.CreateBatchSalesCreditNote(auth, inv);

Visual Basic

Dim ws As New Integration_1_1

Dim auth As String = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey)
If (Not auth Is Nothing) Then
    Dim inv As BatchSalesCreditNote
    inv = ws.GetNewBatchSalesCreditNote(auth, "TESTINTEGR")

    ' Get the account code from a listing method instead
    inv.Description = "CreditNote number 1"
    inv.ExternalReference = "Ext ref 1"
    inv.CreditNoteDate = DateTime.Now

    ' Create a batch credit note with two lines
    inv.Lines = New BatchSalesCreditNoteLine(2  - 1) {}

    ' *************** First line
    inv.Lines(0) = New BatchSalesCreditNoteLine
    inv.Lines(0).Description = "Line 1"
    ' Get the GL account code from a listing method
    inv.Lines(0).GLAccountCode = "2000"
    inv.Lines(0).NetAmount = 100
    ' Get the tax code & rate from a listing method
    inv.Lines(0).TaxCode = "NT"
    inv.Lines(0).TaxRate = 0.21

    ' *************** Second line
    inv.Lines(1) = New BatchSalesCreditNoteLine
    inv.Lines(1).Description = "Line 2"
    ' Get the GL account code from a listing method
    inv.Lines(1).GLAccountCode = "3000"
    inv.Lines(1).NetAmount = 100
    ' Get the tax code & rate from a listing method
    inv.Lines(1).TaxCode = "NT"
    inv.Lines(1).TaxRate = 0

    ' *************** Save the batch credit note
    Dim wsbatch As WSResult2OfString = ws.CreateBatchSalesCreditNote(auth, inv)
    Assert.IsTrue(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(wsbatch.Result))
End If

See Also

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️