BatchSalesCreditNote - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Sales batch credit note structure. Posts one credit note per credit note line.


BatchSalesCreditNote members

Name Type Description Constraints
CustomerCode String Get the unique customer code in the system.
  • Cannot be more than 50 characters
  • Cannot be null or empty
  • Must be upper case
Description String Get/Set the credit note description.
  • Cannot be more than 500 characters long.
  • Cannot be Null.
ExchangeRate Decimal Get/Set the exchange rate between the customer currency and the base currency.
  • Cannot be 0 or negative.
ExternalReference String Get/Set the credit note external reference.
  • Cannot be null.
  • Cannot be longer than 50 characters long.
CreditNoteDate DateTime Get/Set the credit note date.
    Lines BatchSalesInvoiceLine Get the array of lines making up the batch credit note.

    The lines have to be from the same customer.

    There is no limit to the number of lines that can be added to a batch credit note.
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