2Boost internals - aalesv/2boost GitHub Wiki

2Boost flowchart

flowchart TB

 ROMstart[ROM] --Calc 2D/3D table function call--> EntryPoint
 ROMstart --> Calc_ROM_MAF[ROM Calculate mass airflow function]
 ROMstart --> CEL_Trigger[CEL trigger function]
 Calc_ROM_MAF --> EntryPoint
 CEL_Trigger --> EntryPoint

 subgraph 2Boost
  %%direction TB
  map_switch.c <--Get map number--> SelMap
  subgraph 2boost.c
   %%direction TB
   EntryPoint[Entry points]
  2boost.c --> calc_hooked.c
  2boost.c --> speed_density.c
  2boost.c --> cel_flash.c
  subgraph calc_hooked.c
   %%direction TB
   LUT[Do table lookup] --> SelMap[Select map]
   SelMap --> Calc[Calculate map value]
  subgraph speed_density.c
   %%direction TB
   CalcMAF[Calculate mass airflow]
  subgraph cel_flash.c
   %%direction TB
   cel_flash[CEL Flash]


 Calc --> ROMend[ROM]
 CalcMAF --> ROMend
 cel_flash --> ROMend

General information

The code works as follows - it intercepts ROM table calculate functions, determines state of cruise or Si-Drive switches (CFG_GLOBAL_MAP_SWITCH_SOURCE variable controls what is used for map switching). Based on this state, it selects which 2Boost table to use instead of original table and then calls ROM table calc function.

Since calc_2d_uint_to_float_entry_point and calc_3d_uint_to_float_entry_point functions are actually a main loop, you need to define at least one 2D/3D table for it to work correctly.

Airflow calculation routine is intercepted separately and substituted to Speed Density algorithm.

Address substitution is used to intercept ROM functions. It is done manually via ROM editor. Setting Boost Target Hack (and other '... Hacks' including Speed Density) to Enable changes calling address of ROM calc table function to address of entry point functions defined in 2boost.c file.

Lookup tables are used to simplify the code.

Table of contents

Project layout

Build process

Source code documentation