SatelliteReferenceSystem - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

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Satellite Reference System

Implements : CzmlPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"REFERENCE SYSTEM/Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}",
    "name":"Reference system of : Satellite",
      "reference":"Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}#position"
      "reference":"Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}#orientation"


id - String : Identification of the Satellite Reference System, default : "REFERENCE SYSTEM/{id of the satellite}".

name - String : Name of the Satellite Reference System, default : "Reference system of : {name of the satellite}".

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the Satellite Reference System is displayed, default : the time interval of definition of the satellite.

Intrinsinc arguments

These arguments can be used to build the Satellite Reference System object :

satellite - Satellite : The satellite of the reference system.

scale - double : The scale to which the model (if it exists) must be, default : 0.02;

maximumScale - double : The maximum scale up to which the scale can go, default : 1000000.

minimumPixelSize - double : The minimum of pixels displayed on screen, default : 200.

Other parameters

referencePosition - Reference : The reference in position of the satellite to lock the reference system in the center of the satellite.

referenceOrientation - Reference : The reference in orientation of the satellite, to have the reference system with the same orientation as the satellite.

referenceSystemModel - CzmlModel : The 3D model that represents the reference system.


These arguments can be used to build the abstract point on body object :

SatelliteReferenceSystem system = new SatelliteReferenceSystem(satellite);
  • A satellite, a scale, a maximumScale, a minimumPixelSize :
SatelliteReferenceSystem system = new SatelliteReferenceSystem(satellite, scale, maximumScale, minimumPixelSize);