GroundTrack - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

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The GroundTrack object aims at displaying the projection of the orbit of an object on the surface of a body.

Implements : CzmlPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"GROUND_TRACK/Keplerian parameters: {a: 1.0878E7; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}",
    "name":"Ground track of : Keplerian parameters: {a: 1.0878E7; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}",


id - String : Identification of the ground track- default : "GROUND_TRACK/{Id of the object}"

name - String : Name of the ground track, default : "Ground track of : {name of the object}".

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the ground track is displayed.

Intrinsinc arguments

These arguments can be used to build a ground track object :

satellite - Satellite : The satellite for the ground track.

body - BodyShape : The body which the satellite orbits.

color - Color : The color of the ground track. Default : white.

constellation - Constellation : A constellation that will take all the satellite at once to display the ground tracks.

Other parameters :

initialCartesiansSatellite - List of Cartesian : A list of the initial cartesians position of the satellite in the ITR frame.

clampedPositionOnBody - TimePosition : The position in time of the point projected on the surface of the body.

allGroundTracks - List of GroundTrack : A list that contains all ground track computed when several are needed with constellation.


The ground track object can be build with :

GroundTrack groundTrack = new GroundTrack(satellite, body);
GroundTrack groundTrack = new GroundTrack(satellite, body, color);
GroundTrack groundTrack = new GroundTrack(constellation, body);
GroundTrack groundTrack = new GroundTrack(constellation, body, color);


displayLinkSatellite() - void : This function allows the user to display the link between the satellite and the ground track.