CovarianceDisplay - Zudokakikuto/OreCZML GitHub Wiki

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Covariance Display

Implements : CzmlPrimaryObject

Extends : AbstractPrimaryObject

Example :

    "id":"COV/Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}[2460384:43200 UTC (03/15/2024 00:00:00), 2460384:43260 UTC (03/15/2024 00:01:00), 2460384:43320 UTC (03/15/2024 00:02:00), 2460384:43380 UTC (03/15/2024 00:03:00), 2460384:43440 UTC (03/15/2024 00:04:00), 2460384:43500 UTC (03/15/2024 00:05:00), 2460384:43560 UTC (03/15/2024 00:06:00), 2460384:43620 UTC (03/15/2024 00:07:00), 2460384:43680 UTC (03/15/2024 00:08:00), 2460384:43740 UTC (03/15/2024 00:09:00)]",
    "name":"Covariance of Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}",
      "reference":"Keplerian parameters: {a: 7878000.0; e: 0.0; i: 20.0; pa: 0.0; raan: 0.0; v: 0.0;}#position"


id - String : Identification of the covariance display object, default : "COV/{id of the object}".

name - String : Name of the covariance display, default : "Covariance of {name of the object}".

availability - TimeInterval : Time interval when the covariance display is displayed.

Intrinsic arguments :

These arguments can be used to build a covariance display object :

satellite - Satellite : The satellite which the covariance display will be around.

initCovariance - StateCovariance : An initial state covariance object to give the propagation of the covariance a initialisation.

lof - LOF : The local orbital frame of the satellite.

color - Color : The color of the ellipsoid used to represents the covariance.

oem - Oem : An Orekit Oem file used as an input.

ephemeris - List of TimeStampedPVCoordinates : A list of TimeStampedPVCoordinates extracted from an Oem or another file, to get the ephemeris.

position - Position : The absolute position of the ellipsoid built with the position object.

ellipsoid - CzmlEllipsoid : The czml ellipsoid object used to built the ellipsoid to be displayed that represents the covariance.

attitude - Attitude : The attitude of the ellipsoid built with an Orkeit Attitude object.

Other parameters

referenceFrame - String : The reference frame where the covariance is computed, default : "INERTIAL".

positionReference - Reference : The reference for the center of the position of the ellipsoid.

orientationReference - Reference : The reference for the orientation of the ellipsoid.

allSpaceCraftState - List of SpacecraftState : A list of all the spacecraft state when the covariance is propagated.

ellipsoidList - List of CzmlEllipsoid : When the covariance changes in time, several ellipsoids are computed, they are stored here.

julianDates - List of JulianDate : A list of all the julian dates when the propagation of the covariance is computed.

dimensionsOfEllipsoids - List of Cartesian : A list of cartesian that represents the radius of the ellipsoids in the ITR frame.

attitudes - List of Attitude : A list of all the attitudes of all the ellipsoids, when the ellipsoid changes in time.

satelliteCartesianList - List of Cartesian : A list that contains all the position in cartesian of the satellite in the ITR frame.

timeScale - TimeScale : The time scale used for the covariance

uniqueEllipsoid - CzmlEllipsoid : The ellipsoid used when only one ellipsoid is needed.


The CovarianceDisplay object can be build with :

CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(satellite, initCovariance, lof);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(satellite, initCovariance, lof, color);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(oem, lof);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(oem, lof, color);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(ephemeris, initCovariance, lof);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(ephemeris, initCovariance, lof, color);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(position, ellipsoid, attitude);
CovarianceDisplay covariance = new CovarianceDisplay(id, name, position, ellipsoid, attitude);