Plecostomus - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

Plecostomus are ambient fish.

Spawning and taming

Plecostomus are uncommon spawn in water features of wet rainforest biomes. They spawn alone.

As ambient, neutral animals, they can be picked up without issue. They can also be picked up in a bucket.

Plecostomus cannot be tamed, but are still perfect for your exhibits anyways! As slow speed animals, it should be an easy feat.


Plecostomus have 4 hearts (8 points) of health, can deal 0.5 hearts (1 points) of damage, and drop raw plecostomus upon death.

As ambient animals, they do not need specialized care.

Plecostomus can be bred with wheat seeds.


There are 7 species variants of plecostomus: bristlenose, zebra, clown, gold nugget, sailfin, blue-eyed, and giant.