Grevy's zebra - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

image (image by ClimbableChunky)

Grevy's zebra is a large ungulate animal. Native to sub-saharan Africa, Grevy's zebra is the largest living equine species.

In real life, zebras are occasionally preyed on by African leopards, African lions, and other large African predators. They live in small herds of 5-10 during the dry season, comprised of several females, their young, and immature stallions.

Spawning and taming

Grevy's zebras are an uncommon spawn in dry savanna biomes. They always spawn in herds of 4. They have a 1:5 sex ratio and are not sexually dimorphic.

The Grevy's zebra is a medium-speed, defensive animal and will retaliate against players who attack them. They also react aggressively towards players in the vicinity of their offspring. Zebras will sprint to attack aggressors or to flee predators.

Because of its size and aggression, it is recommended players tranquilize a zebra before pushing it into a capture cage. While they spawn in herds, zebras do not display pack aggression and will not group on on a player for downing a member of the herd; instead, the rest of the herd will flee.

Grevy's zebras can be tamed with herbivore kibble.


Grevy's zebras have 21 hearts (42 points) of health, can deal 3 hearts (6 points) of damage, and drop 3 medium meat and 2 leather upon death.

Grevy's zebras are large animals with a sizable hunger bar. They eat a ruminant diet, consisting of fibrous plant roughage.

Zebras can use scratching post, hanging browse, sprinkler, salt lick, and apple ice treat enrichment items.

Grevy's zebras are a medium fertility species, and can be bred with hay bales. As large-sized animals they have a gestation time of 72000 ticks, and give birth to 1 foal that will take 6 minecraft days to reach adulthood.

Exhibit building

(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)

Grevy's zebras live in herds of 5-10 individuals in real life, in flat, grassy savanna areas.

Players should aim to build an enclosure big enough to house a small group. Zebras are herd animals, and may feel safer in groups.

Because of their sometimes aggressive behavior, it is not recommended to co-house zebras in mixed exhibits with animals smaller than them (note: tamed ZAWA zebras do not actually attack other animals!). While other species of zebra tend to coexist peacefully with other African hoofstock, Grevy's zebras can bully other animals and even kill them.

Giraffes need a similar amount of space, similar landscaping, and are large enough to not be bullied. Depending on a zoo's available space for an expansive enclosure, they may be a good match. If the player is up to the task of covering a large enclosure, African hornbill species are small and fast enough to not conflict with zebras.

Zebras do not jump or climb fences, but building a fence or moat walls at least 2 blocks high will ensure that animals, as well as visitors, stay safe.

Because of their ruminant diet, zebras can graze on grass blocks. It is recommended that players build an enclosure with lots of open grass space for them, as with ample grazing land they may not require nearly as much feed from the player.

Giving zebras lots of tall grass to hide in can improve their confidence. Grass, tall grass, Johnson grass and elephant grass are all good options, but should be placed carefully as to not block visitors' line of sight. Planting acacia trees as shade along with man-made shelters keeps the African savanna theme well.


Grevy's zebras have three color variants: Chaplan, Hitchcock, and Kubrick. They do not have any special variants.

Chaplan Hitchcock Kubrick Baby

Variant images by discord user Gianluca Zanna#0063


The Grevy's zebra was one of the first animals modelled for ZAWA 3.0, before the move to Evolved. The zebra was modelled by fisk and textured by a retired artist.

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