About zipgateway - Z-WavePublic/libzwaveip GitHub Wiki

The SD Card image that was downloaded and prepared in "Preparing a Raspberry Pi 3" contains a pre-installed copy of zipgateway. zipgateway is an application which allows IP clients to contact and control nodes in a Z-Wave network. Through zipgateway each node on the Z-Wave network behaves as an IP device. In order to work, zipgateway requires a Z-Wave Bridge Controller to be connected to the Raspberry Pi, as explained in "Hardware Requirements".

In the SD Card image, zipgateway is controlled by means of a startup script - which needs to be run as root. To start zipgateway you type:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/zipgateway start

To stop zipgateway you type:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/zipgateway stop

The script starts and stops the zipgateway binary that is installed at /usr/local/sbin/zipgateway with the configuration options specified in /usr/local/etc/zipgateway.cfg. The configuration options allowed in the file, as well as general documentation on zipgateway is available in zipgateway's man page:

$ man zipgateway

The script also configures zipgateway to output a log at /tmp/zipgateway.log. You can examine the log file with the less pager by typing:

$ less -R /tmp/zipgateway.log

You can also follow the log while zipgateway is running by typing:

$ tail -f /tmp/zipgateway.log