Preparing a Raspberry Pi 3 - Z-WavePublic/libzwaveip GitHub Wiki
Download the SD Card Image
Sigma Designs provides an SD Card image for the Raspberry Pi 3 that comes preloaded with everything that is needed to start working with Z-Wave Over IP. The image can be downloaded from the Z-Wave Public homepage's downloads section.
Load the SD Card Image
This guide uses "Etcher" from to prepare the SD Card. It can be downloaded from the Etcher website. Etcher provides a simple interface that looks the same across multiple platforms to flash SD Card images in three easy steps:
- Select the image file
- Select the destination drive
- Flash!
Select the image you downloaded from the Public Z-Wave site, insert the SD card you'd like to use to your computer, and click "Flash!"
Connecting to the Raspberry Pi
There are many ways to work with the Z-Wave over IP SD card. Of course, it is intended to be accessed over the network and from different devices, but for the sake of simplicity and to help illustrate key concepts, this guide will assume that you are working from within the Raspberry Pi itself by connecting to it over a secure shell (SSH). Users following this guide on macOS or Linux can use the built-in ssh
command to connect. Windows users will need an SSH client, like PuTTY to connect. To simplify the setup, this guide suggests that you connect the computer you're working from and the Pi to the same Ethernet router - ideally with no other devices in that network.
The provided SD Card image defaults to booting the Raspberry Pi with the hostname raspberrypi so identifying and connecting to it is simple. The image comes with a pre-made user account named pi that has the password raspberry. This guide assumes you are authenticating as this user for the remainder of the steps. Once authenticated, the shell prompt will display a list of common tasks and the commands that run them:
.:yddy+-` `--:
:hddo. :oyddddd`
odds. .ohdds+:.``
ydd/ `+ddh/`
sdd: `ydd/ :oyhddhyo:
:dd+ ydd- :hddhhhhhhhdh:
ydd` :dd+ /ddd+ .yddd` Yb dP db Yb dP 888888
ddy odd. hdddhhs` -hddddh Yb db dP dPYb Yb dP 88____
hdddd+ .osydddh YbdPYbdP dP__Yb YbdP 88""""
`ddd/ `hddd/ YP YP dP""""Yb YP 888888
Configuration files for zipgateway are in /usr/local/etc/zipgateway/
To start zipgateway type /etc/init.d/zipgateway start
To stop zipgateway type /etc/init.d/zipgateway stop
To view zipgateway output type tail -F /tmp/zipgateway.log
To browse for Z-Wave devices type avahi-browse _z-wave._udp
To browse and resolve Z-Wave devices type avahi-browse _z-wave._udp -r
Z-Ware portal credentials: Username: sigma Password: sigmadesigns
Z-Ware portal configuration at: https://raspberrypi.local/ui/eng/index.shtml
Z-Ware portal at: https://raspberrypi.local/ui/pc/
You can always refer back to this list should you need a refresher on what a command does, or to copy-paste them to save you some typing, at any time by running:
$ cat /etc/motd