Mie Simulator GUI Sample Infiles - VirtualPhotonics/MieSimulatorGUI GitHub Wiki
Two sample files (CustomSample1.txt, CustomSample2.txt) in the “CustomDataSamples” folder show the data organization in a text data file. Each line in the data file should have four entries; diameter, number density and, real part and imaginary part of the refractive index. Each entry should be separated by a comma (,) or a tab. No spaces are allowed after each line. If the data is not properly arranged, an error message may appear.
0.2 3.18198e+05 1.42 -0.2 0.3 1.30094e+06 1.377 0 0.4 3.24211e+05 1.54 -0.45
0.2,3.18198e+05,1.42,-0.2 0.3,1.30094e+06,1.377,0 0.4,3.24211e+05,1.54,-0.45