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Getting Started with Unity Plugin

This VRTRIX Glove Unity3D Plugin includes assets that you can use to develop applications in Unity on your Windows PC while using our VRTRIX Data Glove. These assets include hand prefabs, scripts and some simple examples to help you quickly get the hand on development in both 3D & VR environment. This wiki documented in detail from the installation of hardware driver to the usage of each API member functions.

Installing VRTRIX Data Glove

Before starting to develop, you should follow some basic steps to install the driver and install SteamVR runtime for VR application developing.

  • The hardware driver is included here and the manual is included here. Double-click to install the exe file step by step, then you will find out two virtual COM ports show up in the Device Manager -> Ports(COM & LPT) if you plug in our two USB dongles.

  • Please be sure that two USB dongles are plugged in properly, then open the shortcut (VRTRIXGloveConfigTool) created automatically on the desktop, press Reset Latency Timer button from the main menu or the context menu when right-click the app blank area.

  • To set up the VR software development environment, just simply download & install SteamVR.

  • After these three steps, please press the power button shortly, the LED will flash blue quickly and then slow down which indicate that your data glove is powered on. If your data gloves have been paired to USB dongles successfully, the glove icon on the app will remain solid green, as following:

Or, if the icons appear like following, then you should repair the gloves to the dongle.

Or, if the icons appear like following, then you should double check whether you have plugged in dongles properly

You should also pair the HTC Vive Trackers for your both hands with your VR headset through SteamVR before starting VR application development. If your trackers has been connected successfully, the LED on tracker will remain solid green and the tracker icon on the app will appear as following:

  • To pair the data gloves with USB dongles, please press the Pair Left Hand Glove/Pair Right Hand Glove button on the app:

after the following dialog pop out, you start to press&hold the button on the glove hardware until it flashed in one-fast-one-show manner which makes the glove switch to pairing mode.

When the glove is paired successfully then the following dialog will pop out:

Adding VRTRIX Data Glove to Unity Projects

  • Open an existing project or start a new one in the Unity Editor.
  • Import VRTRIX Glove Unity3D Plugin Unity package into the project.

Changing Unity Settings

First you need to set API Compatibility Level to “.NET 2.0” Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player, In Other Settings -> Optimization, change API Compatibility Level to “.NET 2.0”.

Then if you you want to use VRTRIX Data Glove under VR mode, you should check the "Virtual Reality Support" and choose "Openvr".

About this Wiki

This Wiki mainly documented the VRTRIX Glove Prefabs, Demo Scenes, Scripts & DLLs API for development and troubleshooting page.

VRTRIX Glove Prefabs

The core prefabs are Hand_3D & Hand_VR. They includes all low-level data streaming reading/connect & disconnect functions/vibration & calibration functions/auto-detect left or right hand/positional data fusion with HTC Vive Tracker etc. Simply drag one of them (for the right mode) to your Unity project, and you can start to see real-time rendered motion capture of your head in 3D/VR world!

VRTRIX Glove Demo Scenes

Three demo scenes are included in the unity package. The first one is 3D mode data stream reading and glove status checking, you don't have to wear/pair the tracker for this scene. The second one is data stream reading in VR mode, it also includes the auto-alignment of heading and auto-detection of left/right hand.The third one is the demonstration of most interaction behaviors in VR experience, including teleporting, grabbing, throwing, gesture detection, UI and button touching. More interactions will be added in the future.

VRTRIX Glove API Documentation

VRTRIX Glove APIs makes users able to get hands data stream, enable / disable some functions and access the low-level hardware functions including vibration/hardware magnetic calibration etc. Those APIs include managed CSharp API from Unity Scripts Classes and unmanaged C++ API from compiled dynamic linked library.

VRTRIX Glove Troubleshooting

VRTRIX Glove Troubleshooting documents solutions for some frequent asked questions and also some known issues/bugs. If the information we provide can not solve your problem, feel free to contact us directly via email: [email protected]