eng_type_fagkode - Utdanningsdirektoratet/KL06-LK20-public GitHub Wiki
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Element that acts as an identifier for a subject or single part of a subject, for precisely to enter training, examination implementation, evaluation and documentation, such as MAT0011 "Mathematics 10. year level, orally exam".
Proprty | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
id | UUID | Globally unique identifier for the subject code | 1 |
kode (code@eng) | String | Lokally unique identifier for the subject code | 1 |
url-data | URI | Globally unique URL-based link to detailed information about the subject code | 1 |
tittel (title@eng) | Array of language versioned text@nob | Title of the subject code | 1..* |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type to be "fagkode" (subject-code@eng) | 1 |
status | URI | Indicates whether the subject code is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) | 1 |
merkelapper (tags@eng) | Array of reference objects(tags@nob) | Reference(s) to objects (of type merkelapp) that associate the subject code with a semantic peg / tag for marking and filtering purposes. See list of possible merkelapper. | 0..* |
vurderingsordning (examination-and-assesment@eng) | Array | Array of objects (for pupil and external candidate, respectively) that collect information about the examination and assessment scheme. | 0..* |
opplaeringsfag (teaching-subjecteng) | Array of reference objects | Reference to objects (of the grep-type opplaeringsfag) which indicates what a group of pupils / apprentices / private candidates should be taught (acts as a bridge between subject code and curriculum in the data model) | 0..* |
benyttes-sammen-med (used-together-with@eng) | Array of reference objects | Subject code property to specify other subject codes it belongs to (in the same training subject) | 0..* |
erstatter (replaces@eng) | Array of reference objects | Indicates which subject code(s) this replaces | 0..* |
erstattes-av (replaced-by@eng) | Array of reference objects | Indicates which subject code(s) this is replaced by | 0..* |
omfang-totalt (extent-total@eng) | Int | Attribute for "fagkode" (subject code) to specify how many hours (units of 60 minutes) it is allocated for one school year. | 1 |
omfang-vitnemaal (extent-diploma@eng) | Int | Attribute for "fagkode" (subject code) to specify how many hours (units of 60 minutes) which is applied to the diploma. | 1 |
🛑 omfang-til-naa (extent-until-now@eng) | Int | Attributes that are no longer in use, but exist for some previous subject codes. This was used to indicate how many hours (60 min. units) the student has so far achieved by interrupting multi-year subjects. Today, subject codes apply for one year step at a time, and we use rather "omfang-totalt" (extent-total@eng) and "omfang-vitnemaal" (extent-diploma@eng) to express the same. | 1 |
naar-kan-man-ta-eksamen (when-can-you-have-exams~@eng) | Object | Attribute for subject code to indicate the possibly first and last semester exam may occur | 0..1 |
naar-gis-det-undervisning (when-the-teaching-is-or-was-administered@eng) | Object | Subject code property to indicate the possibly first and last semester teaching can be administered | 0..1 |
sensur (censorship-arrangement@eng) | Object | "fagkode" (subject code@eng) property to indicate whether the censorship is administered centrally or locally | 0..1 |
oppgave (examination-arrangement@eng) | Object | "fagkode" (subject code@eng) property to specify whether the exam is centrally provided, or locally provided. | 0..1 |
tilleggsopplysninger (comments-and-annotations@eng) | Array of language versioned text | "fagkode" (subject-code@eng) property to set administrative additional information. | 0..1 |
bygger-paa-fag (subject-code-based-on@eng) | Array of reference objects | Property for specifying which subject code(s) this subject code is based on | 0..* |
gyldig-fra (valid-from@eng) | Timestamp | Subject code property to indicate from which date it is valid | 0..1 |
gyldig-til (valid-until@eng) | Tidsstempel | Subject code property to indicate until which date it is valid | 0..1 |
iso-639-2-kode (iso-639-2-code@eng) | URI | subject code property for "language subjects" to indicate which language the subject is about according to the syntax http://psi.oasis-open.org/iso/639#[code] | 0..1 |
fagtype (subject-type@eng) | Array of reference objects | Reference to objects (of the Grep type fagtype) which indicates which type(s) of subject(s) this subject code belongs to. Definition of subject type: "Grouping of subjects according to Circular Udir-1-[a given year]". (See also array of subject types) |
0..* |
opplaeringsnivaa (teaching-level@eng) | Array of reference objects | reference (s) to objects (of the Grep type opplaeringsnivaa) which indicates which teaching-level(s) the subject code applies to. (See also array of teaching-levels) |
0..* |
kortform (abbreviation@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Abbreviation of "tittel" (title@eng) | 1 |
sist-endret (last-modified@eng) | Timestamp@nob | Indicates when last changes were made to the data base for the subject category | 1 |
Describes assessment for pupils and / or private candidates.
The array consists of a maximum of two occurrences of draw-arrangements, one for each of the "student types" 'elevtype_elev' (pupil_type_pupil@eng) and 'elevtype_privatist' elevtype_privatist (pupil_type_private_canditate@eng).
We only have two target groups / candidate types today; pupil and private candidate. For subject codes that have training in training establishments, the pupil must be interpreted as an "apprentice" and a private candidate as a "trainee candidate or others who do not follow a normal course". In addition, pupils in subject codes for school-based education and training for adults (subject codes with the tag "for_voksenopplaering") must be interpreted as "participant".
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
elevtype (pupil-type@eng) | URI | Specifies the target audience for the examination-and-assessment, either "http://psi.udir.no/ontologi/eksamen_vurdering_elev" or "http://psi.udir.no/ontologi/eksamen_vurdering_privatist" (i.e. pupil or private candidate) | 1 |
trekkordning (draw-arrangement@eng) | Reference object | Reference to object (Grep-type 'trekkordning' (draw-arrangement@eng) (see list of occurrences)) swhich indicates which draw arrangement applies to the subject code for the given target group (pupil / private candidate), according to regulations to the Education Act - § 3-26. The draw-arrangement, (see the overview on udir.no). | 0..1 |
type-eksamensordning (examination-arrangement-type@eng) | Referanseobjekt | Referensce to object (the Grep-type examination-arrangement (see array of occurrences)) which indicates the type of examination arrangement that applies to the target group specified in the examination arrangement | 0..1 |
vurderingsuttrykk (expression-of-assessment@eng) | Referanseobjekt | Reference to object of the Grep-type 'vurderingsuttrykk' (expression-of-assessment@eng) (see array of occurrences)) to be conducted for the target group specified in the examination-form, whether it should be given numerical grades or whether to use other expressions of assessment. | 0..1 |
eksamensform-paa-vitnemaalet (examination-form-to-certificate@eng) | Referece object | Reference to object (of the Grep-type examination-form (see array of occurrences) which indicates the form of examination to be entered on the diploma for the target group specified in the examination-arrangement. | 0..1 |
standpunktvurdering (overall-achievement-grades@eng) | Boolean | Boolean value if the examination-arrangement is to contain overall achievement grades. | 1 |
halvaarsvurdering-2-benyttes-ved-inntak-til-hoeyere-trinn-VIGO (half-year-assessment-2-used-for-admission-to-higher-level-in-upper-scondary-school-vigo@eng) |
Boolean | Property for examination event without overall achievement grades to indicate whether mid-year assessment is used for admission to higher education in upper secondary school (vigo.no). | 1 |
hoeyeste-nivaa | Boolean | Property for the examination and assessment to indicate whether it represents the highest level. | 1 |
Attribute for subject code to indicate the possibly first and last semester exam may occur.
In our RDF / SPARQL service, the objects below are flattened / merged as follows:
- naar-kan-man-ta-eksamen-foerste-semester with value, e.g. semester_hoest_2008
- naar-kan-man-ta-eksamen-siste-semester with value, e.g. semester_hoest_2008
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
foerste-semester (first-semester@eng) | Reference to object | Reference and description of the first semester the exam can be taken. | 0..1 |
siste-semester | Reference to object | Reference and description of the last semester the exam can be taken. | 0..1 |
Attribute for subject code to indicate the first possibly semester exam may occur.
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
beskrivelse (description@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Example: "Vår 2008" ("Spring 2008"@eng) | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique, URL-based identifier for the current semester | 1 |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type of the current semester to be of the Grep type "semester" (se array of occurences) | 1 |
Attribute for subject code to indicate the last possibly semester exam may occur.
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
beskrivelse (description@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Example: "Høst 2008" ("Autumn 2008"@eng) | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique, URL-based identifier for the current semester | 1 |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type of the current semester to be of the Grep type "semester" (se array of occurences) | 1 |
Subject code property to indicate first and possibly last possible semester teaching can be administered.
In our RDF / SPARQL service, the objects below are flattened / merged as follows:
- naar-gis-det-undervisning-foerste-semester with value, e.g. semester_hoest_2008
- naar-gis-det-undervisning-siste-semester with value, e.g. semester_hoest_2008
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
foerste-semester (when-the-teaching-is-or-was-administered-first-semester@eng) | Reference to object | Property for "fagkode" (subject code@eng) to refere and describe the first possible term it can be taught. | 0..1 |
siste-semester (when-the-teaching-is-or-was-administered-last-semester@eng) | Reference to object | Property for "fagkode" (subject code@eng) to refere and describe the last possible term it can be taught. | 0..1 |
Property for "fagkode" (subject code@eng) to refere and describe the first possible semster it can be taught.
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
beskrivelse (description@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Example: "Høst 2008" ("Autumn 2008"@eng | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique URL-based identifier for the current semester | 1 |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type of the current semester to be of the Grep type "semester" (see array of occurrences) | 1 |
Property for "fagkode" (subject code@eng) to refere and describe the last possible semster it can be taught.
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
beskrivelse (description@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Example: "Vår 2008" ("Spring 2008"@eng | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique URL-based identifier for the current semester | 1 |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type of the current semester to be of the Grep type "semester" (see array of occurrences) | 1 |
"fagkode" (subject code@eng) property to indicate whether the censorship is administered centrally or locally
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
beskrivelse | Array of language versioned text | Example: "Lokal" ("Locally"@eng) or "Sentral" ("Central"@eng | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique URL-based identifier for current censorship. Either "http://psi.udir.no/kl06/sensur_lokal" or "http://psi.udir.no/kl06/sensur_sentral" |
1 |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type of the current censorship-arrangement to be of the Grep type"sensur" (no array in the API) | 1 |
Property for "fagkode" (subject code@eng) to specify whether the exam is centrally provided, or locally provided.
Property | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
beskrivelse (description@eng) | Array of language versioned text | Example: "Lokal" ("Locally"@eng) or "Sentral" ("Central"@eng) | 1 |
uri | URI | Globally unique URL-based identifier for current examination-arrangement either "http://psi.udir.no/kl06/oppgave_lokal" or "http://psi.udir.no/kl06/oppgave_sentral" |
1 |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type of the current examination-arrangement to be of the Grep type "oppgave" (no array in the API) | 1 |