eng_type_fagtype - Utdanningsdirektoratet/KL06-LK20-public GitHub Wiki
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- Se også ordliste-oppslag på fagtype@nob
Grep type used for grouping subjects by Circular Udir-1-[a given year].
List of subject types:
- Felles programfag (Common programme subjects@eng)
- Fellesfag (Common core subjects@eng)
- Grunnskolefag (Primary school subject@eng)
- Individuell opplæringsplan (Individual subject curriculum@eng)
- Prosjekt til fordypning (In-depth study project@eng)
- Uspesifisert programfag (Unspecified programme subject@eng)
- Valgfag (Elective subject@eng)
- Valgfritt programfag (Elective programme subject@eng)
- Yrkesfaglig fordypning (Vocational specialization@eng)
Proprty | Type | Description | Multiplicity |
id | URI | Globally unique identifier for the subject type | 1 |
kode | String | Lokally unique identifier for the subject type | 1 |
url-data | URI | Unique URL-based link to detailed information about the subject type | 1 |
tittel | Array of language versioned text | Title of the subject subject type | 1..* |
grep-type | URI | Specifies the type to be "fagtype" (subject type@eng) | 1 |
status | URI | Indicates whether the subject type is "publisert" (published@eng) or "utgått" ("expired"@eng) | 1 |
opplaeringsnivaa (teaching-level@eng) | Reference object | Reference to object (of type opplaeringsnivaa) which indicates in which level of education the subject type applies | 0..* |
rekkefoelge (order@eng) | Int | Specifies where in the row the element is to be listed together with the other subject types | 1 |
kortform | Array of language versioned text | Kortform av tittel | 0..1 |