Home - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.cv.synthetichumans GitHub Wiki

The Synthetic Humans package wiki is your portal to a variety of resources on how to use and integrate Synthetic Humans into your Unity projects.

Quick Installation Instructions

Install the Synthetic Humans package into an existing project. Recommended for users with prior Unity experience.


Tutorial: Introduction to Synthetic Humans

Go through a step-by-step tutorial on adding the Synthetic Humans package to a project, customizing its settings, generating humans, animating them, and placing them into your Scenes.

Tutorial: Advanced Human Placement

Learn how to use the tools provided by Synthetic Humans to animate and place humans realistically into Scenes using NavMeshes, colliders, and physical raycasting.


Advanced Placement and Placers

A primer on the advanced placement system and Synthetic Humans Placers, which are integral components of it.

Asset Pack Primer

Learn about the format of Asset Packs, how to work with them, and how to modify them.

Perception Labelers included in Synthetic Humans

The Synthetic Humans package comes with a number of bespoke Labelers that were created by extending Perception's CameraLabeler class.