Quick Installation Guide - Unity-Technologies/com.unity.cv.synthetichumans GitHub Wiki

Install Perception

Synthetic Humans depends on modern versions of the Unity Perception package. It is recommended that you install Perception as a version-locked git dependency. By selecting a specific tag or commit, you can ensure that everyone on your dev team is locked in to the same exact package version.

Before starting, ensure that you have installed and properly set up both git and git lfs on your machine. Additionally, you will need to use either SSH or HTTPS authentication on Github. The links provided here are for HTTPS, but you can use SHH by replacing https:// with ssh://git@.

To install Perception, go into your Unity project's Packages/manifest.json file and add the following entry to the dependencies section:

"com.unity.perception": "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.perception.git?path=/com.unity.perception#1.0.0-preview.1",

Note: You can replace the tag at the end of the link with any other tag or branch name from the git repository. To use the main branch directly, you can remove the tag at the end.

:information_source: Use the Git tag for the latest compatible version of Perception. To find which tag to use, look at the Package Version Compatibility section in the landing page of the Synthetic Humans repository.

Install Synthetic Humans

Similar to Perception, we recommend installing Synthetic Humans as a version-locked git dependency. Add the following to your manifest.json:

"com.unity.cv.synthetichumans": "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.cv.synthetichumans.git#<TAG, BRANCH, OR COMMIT OF DESIRED SYNTHETIC HUMANS RELEASE>"

Downloading the Synthetic Humans package can take upwards of 15 minutes. Expect to see a progress bar stuck on "Resolving Packages" for a long time. After the package is downloaded there will be a typically lengthy import time as well.

Add Skin Diffusion Profile

Synthetic Humans uses a specific HDRP Skin Diffusion profile to control how human skin diffuses light.

Open Edit -> Project Settings -> Graphics -> HDRP Global Settings. Add the profile named Skin to the Diffusion Profile List. This is located inside the Synthetic Humans package, at Packages/com.unity.cv.synthetichumans/Assets/Resources/DiffusionProfiles.