Troubleshooting Tool Appears To Run But Does Not Finish - USEPA/ATtILA2 GitHub Wiki
Tool appears to run but does not finish
If one of ATtILA's tools 'hangs' (i.e., you enter all the necessary tool inputs and click OK, but the tool never finishes):
Open Windows Task Manager and select the hung ArcGIS application in the Applications Tab - Click End Task
Reopen the ArcGIS application where the problem occurred
Right-click on the tool and open it's properties
Check under the source tab to be sure that the 'Run Python script in process' box is checked
That should solve the problem.
To relaunch the tool with all it's previously set parameters, checkboxes, and options, do the following:
- Open the 'Not Run' shortcut menu in the Geoprocessing > Results Window
- Right-click on the tool execution that failed
- Select 'Re-Run'
Top of the page | Invalid extent error | Unable to Determine Conversion Factor