Weather Effect Visual Representation - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-3 GitHub Wiki


Adding extra functionality to the weather system that can change the visual of the game to add a layer of authenticity to the game by making filters for each weather events.

For example:

  • When the weather is thunderstorm, lighting effect might change to dark and will appear some flash animation in the screen.
  • When the weather is snowy, the lighting effect should be light white and blue-ish with a cold tone to it.


The dynamic weather system that in the Pokemon Go game was used for primary inspriation for the look of the game.

Initial filter design for the weather events

Filter used for the weather

Cloudy weather filter

Rainy weather filter

Snowy weather filter

Thunderstorm weather filter

Sunny weather filter is the default game visual.

As for the code, it is similar on how the Random Weather Events but instead of using weather icon, the filter is used.