Soldier units - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-3 GitHub Wiki


Soldier units are the main defender of Atlantis City. Their goal is to defeat enemies while also defending the city at the same time. Every soldier unit has its own unique ability, stats and costs. Players are encouraged to utilize their unique stats and aim for victory.

Soldier types

Units information for soldiers can be seen as follows:

  • Archer: The main range unit with low defense and hp, but high attack
  • Swordsman: The main frontline with high attack, but low defense
  • Spearman: The basic unit with decent stats
  • Hoplite: The main frontline with high defense, but low attack


Soldier Factory

Creating a Base Soldier

InputComponent inputComponent = ServiceLocator.getInputService().getInputFactory().createForFriendlyUnit();
AITaskComponent aiComponent = new AITaskComponent().addTask(new SoldierIdleTask());
Entity soldier =
                new Entity()
                        .addComponent(new PhysicsComponent())
                        .addComponent(new PhysicsMovementComponent())
                        .addComponent(new ColliderComponent())
                        .addComponent(new HitboxComponent().setLayer(PhysicsLayer.SOLDIER))
                        .addComponent(new FriendlyComponent())
                        .addComponent(new SelectableComponent())
                        .addComponent(new HealthBarComponent(EntityType.FRIENDLY))
                        .addComponent(new TouchAttackComponent(PhysicsLayer.NPC));

SoldierFactory Sequence Diagram

Fighting Movement Task


This implements a fighting task for a Soldier. A Soldier may chase down an enemy or move to a specified target until they arrive. In the game, a user selects a target enemy for the soldier and the soldier will follow the enemy. But if what the user selects is not an enemy, it will move to the clicked location.

FightingMovementTask Sequence Diagram

Soldier Class Diagram

The following is a class diagram of all the classes in the Soldier:
