Flooding System - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-3 GitHub Wiki


Flooding system will shrink the city overtime while you try to build resource and optimize your procution and try to save as many people as you can. There is a flooding meter indicate when the flood will start, once the flooding meter is full, the flooing will start to cover starting from left and right of map tile and the process is repeated untill the entire map is fully covered in water and the game will be over.

Technical Breakdown

Below is the code to get the tiles to be flooded. It is used under the flashTiles() void function. The key idea is to get the left and right of the island into dictionary, and then use it for the flashing tiles.

    public void flashTiles() {
        // Container to represent squares to be flooded next
        boolean[][] nextSquaresToBeFlooded = new boolean[mapHeight][mapWidth];

        // Find the furthest left and right coordinates of the island
        Pair<Integer, Integer> extremities = this.getIslandExtremities();
        int farLeft = extremities.getKey();
        int farRight = extremities.getValue();

        // Pick tiles to be flooded and flood them
        nextSquaresToBeFlooded = this.pickTilesToFlood(nextSquaresToBeFlooded, farLeft, farRight);
        this.tilesToFlood = nextSquaresToBeFlooded;

From here, the tilesToFlood variable will be used again in the change the tiles into ocean Tiles in the flood() function.

public void flood() {
        for (int i = 0; i < mapHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mapWidth; j++) {
                if (tilesToFlood[i][j]) {
                    this.map[i][j] = this.getOceanChar();

UML diagram