Enemy Movement - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-3 GitHub Wiki
The enemy units roam freely within the city square. Roaming occurs where an enemy unit randomly selects a gridpoint within the city centre and moves towards the selected point. A timer is implemented to change the destination of the enemy unit at random intervals. A MovementTask object is created when a destination has been selected.
public GridPoint2 randomlySelectTileToMoveTo() {
int height = this.mapGenerator.getHeight();
ArrayList<int[]> legalMoves = this.mapGenerator.getLegalCoordinates();
int size = legalMoves.size();
int randomSeed = PseudoRandom.seedRandomInt(0, size);
int[] coords = legalMoves.get(randomSeed);
return new GridPoint2(coords[1], height - coords[0]);
A timer is implemented that randomly selects an interval between 5 and 10 seconds. Once the timer has expired, a new grid point is chosen for the enemy unit to go to.