UpgradesDisplay - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-3 GitHub Wiki

Test Environment

  • Framework: JUNIT 5
  • Dependencies:
  • Mockito: For mocking dependencies
  • ParameterizedTest: For testing different inputs

Test Cases

1. testVisibilityOnSetup

  • Purpose: Ensure that when the UpgradesDisplay is created, the visibility of various UI components is correctly set.

  • Setup:

    • Create the UpgradesDisplay object.
    • Check the visibility of the upgrades menu image, table, and buttons.
  • Expected Outcome: The upgrades menu image and table should not be visible initially. Also the buttons within the table should be visible

2. testCreateCallsDependencies

  • Purpose: Ensure that UpgradesDisplay calls key methods during the create() process.
  • Setup: Spy on UpgradesDisplay and check that key methods like addUpgradeImage(), createUpgradesMenuDisplay(), and createButtonsTable() are called.
  • Expected: The key methods should be invoked when create() is called.

3. testToggleVisibility

  • Purpose: Verify that the visibility toggle correctly sets the display to visible.
  • Setup: Toggle visibility and check that the upgrades menu image and table become visible.
  • Expected: UpgradesDisplay, UpgradesMenuImage, and UpgradesTable should be visible, and MainGameScreen.pause() should be invoked.

4. testAddUpgradeImage

  • Purpose: Check that the correct upgrade image is added based on the randomly selected upgrade.
  • Setup: Mock the randomComboService to return different upgrades (Extortion, Speed, Loan, Dance party) and verify the correct texture is loaded.
  • Expected: The correct texture path should be loaded based on the selected upgrade.

5. testCreateButtonsTable

  • Purpose: Ensure that the correct buttons (YES and NO) are created in the upgrades menu.
  • Setup: Call create() and check that the buttons table has two children: YES and NO buttons.
  • Expected: The buttons table should contain YES and NO buttons with the correct labels.

6. testYesButtonClick - same logic used for NoButtonClick

  • Purpose: Verify the behavior when the YES button is clicked (activating the upgrade).
  • Setup: Simulate a YES button click and check that the upgrade is activated, and the visibility is toggled off.
  • Expected: The randomComboService should trigger the activateUpgrade() method, and the response event should be triggered.

7. testDisplayNotEnoughGold

  • Purpose: Check that the notEnoughGold UI is displayed correctly when triggered.
  • Setup: Call displayNotEnoughGoldUI() and check that the appropriate image is displayed on the screen.
  • Expected: The notEnoughGold texture should be loaded and visible in the NotEnoughGoldImages list.

8. testDispose

  • Purpose: Ensure that the resources used by UpgradesDisplay are correctly disposed of.
  • Setup: Call dispose() and verify that the assets associated with the upgrades menu and textures are unloaded.
  • Expected: The upgradesMenuTexture and upgradeTexturePaths should be unloaded from the ResourceService.

9. testInvalidRandomChoice

  • Purpose: Verify behavior when an invalid random choice is selected.
  • Setup: Override getSelectedUpgrade() to return an invalid choice and check that the result is handled appropriately.
  • Expected: An empty string ("") should be returned when an invalid random choice is made.

Sonar Cloud Result For Upgrades
