Test Plan for StationFactory - UQcsse3200/2024-studio-3 GitHub Wiki

The purpose of this plan is to test the basic functionality of the StationFactory calsss components.

Test Environment

  • Framework: JUnit4
  • Objects Used: Stations

Test Cases - Testing StationFactory

Test that Stove is Created


The purpose of this test is to verify that the stove entity is created correctly and included all the required components.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The stove entity should be created with InventoryComponent, StattionCookingComponent, and StationItemHandlerComponent.

Test that Produce Baskets are Created


The purpose of this test is to verify that the produce baskets are all created properly.

Test Method:


  • Tests for all produce baskets are all the same, and aim to verify the correct creation for all produce. These are bananaBasket, straberryBasket, lettuceBasket, tomatoBasket, cucumberBasket

Expected Outcome:

  • All produce basket type entities should be created with InventoryComponent, StattionCookingComponent, and StationItemHandlerComponent.

Test that Feet Bench is Created


The purpose of this test is to verify that feet bench table is created correctly.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The feet bench entity should be created with the common pyhsics components and BodyType.StaticBody.

Test that Top Bench is Created


The purpose of this test is to verify that top bench table is created correctly.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The top bench entity should be created with InventoryComponent, common physics components, and should not have StationItemHandlerComponent.

Test that Main Bench is Created


The purpose of this test is to verify that main bench table is created correctly.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The top bench entity should be created with InventoryComponent, common physics components, and should not have StationItemHandlerComponent.

Test that Submission Window is Created


The purpose of this test is to verify that submission window is created correctly.

Test Method:


Expected Outcome:

  • The submission station window entity should be created with AnimationRenderComponent, StationServingComponent, InventoryComponent, and common physics components.